inspiration on my doorstep

inspiration on my doorstep

Yesterday morning, my cousin showed up at my doorstep for a quick visit as she was passing through town. We sat in the living room, drinking coffee and covered all our favorite topics: babies, family, things we miss about our grandmother, her favorite wedding gifts so far (a handmade rug from home "grown", hand-dyed alpaca!), and of course, most importantly--knitting.

But what I couldn't get past, was the knitting she was wearing. How much do I love this necklace she made? She said she whipped up last January, but that the cord took forever....a long i-cord grafted together, a seed stitch "clasp" to hold it all together.

It's beautiful.

inspiration on my doorstep

Now I just have to convince her to write me up a her pattern....or better yet, make me one! *hint *hint (Oh, wait. That wasn't really a hint, was it? I pretty much just flat-out asked, didn't I? :)

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a reason to have more children

There's this silly little thing in knitting called gauge.

that silly thing

Every pattern talks about it and for those over-achieving knitters it means taking the yarn you intend to knit with, the needles you intend to use, and knitting up a little swatch to be sure you're getting the correct gauge (stitches per inch) so that whatever you're knitting will actually turn out in the size you intend it to. 

Jumping in to a knitting project without first checking your gauage is a bit like diving into an elaborate recipe without first checking your cupboards to be sure you have all the ingredients. A little preparation is required. 

However, I am not an over-achieving knitter. In fact, I am more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants-when-the-mood-strikes-embrace-it-and-don't-look-back kind of knitter. 

There are a few ways to combat this kind of knitting style. One is to have multiple children of the same gender. (check!) Another is to have those multiple same-gendered children spaced closely together in age. (check!) The other is to give birth to one child who is petite and seems to grow at a snail's pace, while later giving birth to a child who grows like a weed so that they can almost share the same clothes. (also check!)

So, the urge hit and I began sewing the In Threes sweater pattern for....Birdy. First of all, I looove the pattern. Beautiful. Easy to knit. Relatively quick if you tend to have time to knit or back epsidoes of a favorite knitting show (did you not cry the whole way through the season finale??). 

I enthusiastically jumped into this project and decided to finally use, some five years later, two skeins of beautiful wool that I purchased from a quaint little sheep farm we visited when living in Wisconsin. I had two skeins. Only two skeins. But according to the pattern, enough wool to make the sweater. (this is where testing your gauge comes in handy)

As I was happily knitting along, I was struck that the sweater seemed a bit large for a 12-month old size. I also noticed that I was quite rapidly running through my two skeins of yarn. 



By the end I knew that I had made a HUGE mistake (no pun intended),  that this sweater most definitely was NOT going to fit Birdy, and I began to sweat over the ball of yarn that was getting smaller and smaller and ......

And so as I neared the last few inches I really began to panic. So I pulled in another color (which is looking aggressively pink in this photo) and added a few stripes which we'll pretend were all part of the orginal plan. 

When the sweater was finished and blocked (no I don't do a gauge swatch but I have fallen in love with the way blocking so beautifully finishes a sweater) I began to walk around the house holding it up to various children to see who it might fit. 

Turns out, the sweater fits two of them. 

It's  "hit you right at the hip" slightly cropped but oh-so cute for Mary, and a fits perfectly "was this made for you?" sweater for Elizabeth. 

And Birdy? Well, that's fit's a few years off. 


In the meantime, it will be paired with some amazing wooden buttons scouted out on etsy.

And now, my children are dancing around in shorts, tshirts and flip flops. I swear, I might make them wear this to the pool as a bathing suit cover up just to get some good wear in. 

Thank goodness I have so many children. 

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unfinished business

ideas and experiments

So, if you've been reading this blog for a looong time, you might remember a day when I was a button-maker. Remember the owl buttons?? * sigh.*  I loved it. I think my button-making days began to disappear when baby number three and four arrived.

i used to be a button maker

I keep making attempts at a return, but the time just hasn't been right yet. I even have a box of bisqued "ideas and experiments" sitting in my craft cupboard.

another idea, half finished

Even worse, I have a wonderful aunt who has offered to fire anything I want to send her way. It couldn't get any easier. Except for the fact that I need to unearth an extra four hours or so in my day. But I do miss it. A lot.

In the meantime, my personal stash of buttons is running extremely low, which means I have a few projects sitting here, waiting for the perfect buttons so that the projects can go from knitting basket to actually being worn by my children. 

for elizabeth....

This little sweater was knit for, ahem, Elizabeth when she was a toddler (She's turning four in a few weeks.) from Erika Knight's, Knitting for Two (I've heard it's also in Baby Bloom ).  And I confess, just like the shrug, this sweater has been put on babes in it's unfinished state, maybe pinned together with diaper pins? Not so classy, huh?

let's not discuss...

I have a few buffalo nickels that were given to me, and I think they'll be just the thing. And the sweater will fit Birdy perfectly right now, so I'm anxious to get it done. (Maybe even today?? I get my best knitting done when I have a really long to-do list of everything BUT knitting.)

again with the button dilemna

This sweater is what I refer to in this house as Harper's Vest (aka. Pebble)  But this is knit according to Amanda's experiments in making it in a larger size. Following the same pattern but with larger needles (size 9) and worsted weight yarn double-stranded.

again, with the button dilemna

I found a lovely soft cotton that I found at Michael's, of all places. The sweater is thick and chunky and warm. I love how it turned out. buttons. I'm envisioning really nice, simple, wooden buttons for this. I just haven't found them yet. Meanwhile the sweater is a little big for Birdy, but Elizabeth is trying to convince me that she can squeeze herself into it.

you'll never find the perfect project

 My current project, has been my Parenthood/knitting/late at night pleasure. (Am I the only one who can't make it through a single episode of Parenthood without tearing up at some point??!) I love this pattern so far and the yarn is from a small farm in Wisconsin. Dan bought me a sheepskin rug from this farm and we ended up visiting it a few weeks later when they were lambing. I've always hesitated to use the yarn because it's one of those beautiful yarns that requires the perfect project. But now, almost six years later, the yarn deserves to become something, don't you think? 

What's on your needles these days?

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Let's pretend this is about a shrug

*Prepare yourself. This is an obscene amount of pictures of Birdy. I couldn't stop myself. And many of them have nothing to do with showing you the shrug and everything to do with cute babies. So let's just pretend this post is about a sweater, not about my addiction to baby chubs.*

Pretend it's about the sweater

Pretend it's about the sweater

So, the shrug is finally blocked and finished. Remember this sweater? It was the one that my husband liked to comment on during it's production: "So, this is half a sweater, that's half finished???" Haha. Knitting humor. 

Pretend it's about the sweater

But yesterday I finally put it on Birdy in its finished stage and thought--since many of you asked--I'd share my verdict on the shrug.

Pretend it's about the sweater

Pretend it's about the sweater

And before you ask the question, "When do you find the time to knit with 4 children, and homeschooling and chickens, and snow shoveling, and living on love...." I don't. I don't find time to knit. It takes me ages to finish a project. In fact, Birdy wore this shrug several times with the long ends of yarn hanging from her underarms and cuffs. But, it turns out, she loved sucking on them, so there. That was a win. 

Pretend it's about the sweater

Anyway, back to the shrug. I thought it would be the perfect little thing to throw on during those extra chilly days. (Which would be every day in this house.) Here are my final thoughts:

Pretend it's about the sweater

Easy to knit? YES.

Cuter than cute? YES.

Stays on? YES, but not fit perfectly. Maybe she'll grow into it.

Warm? She hasn't told me yet. But better than nothing.

Practical? Probably not so much.

Would I knit again? Eh. Probably not unless the shrug becomes more snug as she grows.

Details here on my (sad, neglected) ravelry. 

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this is what you get


I intended this post to be something slightly more coherent, perhaps even in paragraph form, but alas, basically everyone in this house is sick, but me. I've been 24 hour on-call nurse and complete sentences and paragraphs aren't in my repertoire right now. (apparently, using the shift-key isn't in my repertoire, either.)

*hurry. over to this post on momformation. i'm giving away a great little compact photo printer from epson.

*i just finished reading this book by michael perry. i was (probably a little too) sad when it was over. you know how you mourn the end of a really good story? there was a bit of genius on every page. and of course, it was almost like reading a page from my own story. i think i may be so bold as to say this ranks in my top 3 reads of  2010.

*speaking of poultry, tonight we lost our rooster, captain. do they have strokes? he was suddenly stricken blind. running into things. then lethargic. he could have been old. he could have been sick. and we didn't want him to pass something on to the hens. so unfortunately, we (which means, dan) had to put him out of his misery.

*i've been knitting. that hat peeking out in my picture is kyrie's. it's a great pattern. and so versatile. i can wear it, and so can all the girls. and now several family members have requested it as christmas gifts.

*i purchased a set of these, since it appears that i'm going to be doing a lot of knitting-gifting. (be warned, there is a ticking "countdown to christmas" on this website. it may elevate your heartrate.)

*last night, i did something i never thought i'd do. i purchased ready-made photo christmas cards. but apparently, my drive to always "design them myself" has resulted in five years of no christmas card from our family.

*i made one holiday decor splurge yesterday. on an advent calendar. i know. i know. i could have made my own. but sometimes, you just need to let someone else do the work. luckily, i'm not ready for it to be december 1, so this will give me a few extra days to get organized. i loved our advent calendar when i was little. it was one of my favorite parts of the holiday. my kids need to get in on that action, too.

*tomorrow on momformation, i'm going to be sharing my kitchen christmas wish list. what's on yours? i'd love to know. 

*and while we're that coop is over, any good book suggestions? let me have it.

alright. that's the news from here. where the rain is pouring down, the woodstove is cranking. and there is strange pig-like squealing-screeching-creep-me-out coming from the dark, back yard.

that would be my cue to go upstairs and hide under the covers with a feverish babe who is already passed out in my bed. someday my husband and i will sleep in the same bed again without a child between us, right? right.

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