One simple question: No. 9


We're entering the season where I have to make a conscious effort not to talk about the hot weather, and the fact that we have no air-conditioning in this old farmhouse in every post. But I am going talk about it for just a wee bit. Because it makes me feel better. 

We are in the midst of a heat wave here in the mid-atlantic--one of those times when I'd consider trading all this in for a little condo in the city. 

But still, I have much to be thankful for.

We still have our electricity, when folks all around us are black, many for the rest of the week. That never happens. It's always us.


The house has stayed remarkably cool for a good part of the day. 

We found the window in our room that produces the coolest temperatures at night and pumps in that fresh cold air that hits around 4am. Last night, I pulled up the comforter. Crazy.

My family has been wonderfully patient with my "it's too hot to cook" dinners. There's been a lot of tuna salad. And pasta salad. And taco salad. And cereal.

Yes, I'm not above a good dinner of cereal when the temperatures get really ridiculous. 

But here's my simple question for all of you, because I'm kind of reaching the end of my hot weather menu arsenal:


What's your favorite keeping cool, it's too hot to turn on the oven, meal? I need some inspiration. And if it involves cucumbers (because I have about 40 sitting on my kitchen counter, with about 20 still out in the garden) you get super bonus points. 


Apparently, I've asked these "simple" questions before. 

I randomly found these: (and hello?! I think I need to bring back the cute little question banner!)

No. 3 |  No. 4 |  No. 5 | No. 7 | No 8

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Batten down the hatches

Photo (3)
There are big storms brewing in our area this afternoon and this evening. We got a robo-call this afternoon from the county governemnt...hail....tornadoes...damaging winds....power outages.

Since the master gardener is still at work, the girls and I had to handle all the outside pre-storm prep this afternoon. 

Standing in the garden, cell phone in hand, I had to call him for his priority list--who would get covered, who would not? On a recent decluttering whim, I thrifted a bunch of mismatched, unused sheets. Crud. So we're short on garden cover and there's just so many vintage tablecloths that I'm willing to lend to the garden. 

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So with our makeshift weights to hold down corners, and a good supply of clothespins we covered up as much as we could with priority to the tomatoes and cucumbers. Beans can always be replanted. Corn will have to fend for itself. We're crossing our fingers for you, potatoes. (***edited to add: So there's some controversy on covering the plants...will the sheets act as sails and knock everything over in the wind? Or is it the best defense against the hail? Opinions? Thoughts? Experience?***)

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Animals are fed. Water buckets are filled. Flakes of hay are distributed. The barns feel all kinds of cozy.

Inside, water is gathered. We're starting a steady stream of baths and showers in anticipation of no power, no water. 

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The big crock has been brought in, washed out and filled up with fresh water. I'm so thankful for this birthday gift from Dan many years ago. It's been put to lots of good use. 

There's nothing like a little storm excitement. I can hear the thunder as I sit here at my desk in the kitchen.

Happy weekend, friends. Here's to blue skies on the other side....

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Instagram in print

There are a lot of things on my list of "Things I wish I was more diligent about". One of those is keeping track of our days in a more everyday way. There's the five year journal I've started and stopped. The 365 projects I've never signed on for. The Project Life series I've never been brave enough to try.

Then there's the notion of my grandmother's scrapbooks kept for her family of 15, full of report cards, doctor's bills, greeting cards, family letters--years and years worth of big, overstuffed leather-bound scrapbooks. 

The other thing on my more diligent list is printing pictures. I take a ton of pictures. And now with this shiny little iPhone in my hand, I take even more. But I never, ever print. When Emma was a baby and there was no such thing as digital cameras, I took and printed pictures. Slipped them into albums, captioned each, wrote a few lines, memories. And now the album is falling apart with use and love. 

Then, there's Instagram. While I don't do anything so organized as post every day or try to capture anything in particular, it has naturally evolved into this beautiful collection of special moments in my family's day. A trip out, the way they're sitting together at the kitchen table, a typical day running errands, a special moment at the stream. It's unrehearsed. Unposed. Natural. And, honestly, above all, convenient.

So when I recently discovered that Blurb has a bookmaking process that sucks all the photos in your *Instagram stream, right onto the pages of a book I was intriguied. And late one night when there were a million things to do but this thing, I decided to see what it was like. 

It was simple. I put them in my book in chronological order. Deleted and moved around a few that I didn't want in there, and basically held by breath and hit publish. 

But here's the thing. Just like my personal discovery that my moleskine journal needed to stop being what I thought it should be, and could just be what I needed it to be, I applied that same thinking to this book. I've thought about doing photobooks before but have gotten stuck on the idea of design, captions, and making it perfect. 

But while I wanted to see these photos in print, in something my kids could hold in their hands and flip through, I also wanted my personal imprint to be on the pages. So I decided to print every page with nothing else but a photo. 

Now with the (beautifully published) book in hand, I'm adding my imprint to the book in the form of captions and dates in my own **handwriting. 

And honestly, it's exactly what I wanted. It's turned into the perfect balance of my photographs plus my own hand. Something that I hope my kids will love to flip through and read and enjoy for years to come.

And I hope there will be more.

Once again, I let go of what everyone else was doing, what I thought I should be doing and gave myself the freedom to do what I wanted and needed to do. I needed it to be simple. I wanted it to be personal. And I found a way to capture both. 

I'm so happy with the way it's turning out. 

*I'm mollybalint on Instagram. Come find me!

**The pen I'm using is this one, which also happens to be my favorite pen, which also happens to be the pen I use in my moleskine, which also happens to be perfect for this as well.

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You are so beautiful

Be Kind

I've been wanting to order something fromy my lovely friend, Shanna Murray, for ages. But when I got her spring newsletter several weeks ago and saw her new spring decals, I knew some of her work had to come finally come live at my house.

Her Be Kind decal seemed like the perfect thing for this household of girls and it's shifting relationships and playmates, and testing out of friendships and learning and hurt feelings and...I think you all know what I mean, right?

It felt like the perfect, simple reminder and sits quietly on our kitchen chalkboard (next to that oddly empty grocery list. That never happens!) And I have a feeling Be Brave may need to join it there in the near future, too.

There were a few other little sweet goodies in my envelope, which quickly found a place in our home, as well. 


Welcome, of course, for the front door. 

You are beautiful

And this one, now on the door frame above a certain ten-year old's bedroom door. 

You are beautiful

I good reminder for us all, I believe.

You are so beautiful.

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Things to love and a bonus

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1. A pre-bed pile up in the backyard.

2. Embroidered cyanotypes

3. This kitchen scene


4. This lovely little path.

5. Forgetting. Then remembering, this CD.

6. This playhouse.


7. This moment that feels so true to my crazy little family, including the begging. And yes, the duck came, too. And seriously, why do they always talk me into getting the big, unweildy truck cart? Because they NEVER ride in it. Obviously.

Photo (4)

8. This gave me a chuckle.

9. This is huge.

10. And this, totally inspired me. (via DesignMom

BONUS: Know what I don't love? Stink bugs. If you have no idea what these are, thank your lucky stars. But, seriously, if I get dive-bombed one more time while reading in my bed, or sitting here working at my desk, I may just cry. I'm sorry, but I can't find any reason to be grateful for stink bugs.

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