Today I ...

Told Birdy fifteen times not to put toys in with the baby chicks.

Probably went a little overboard on the chocolate purchasing for the girls' Easter baskets.

Probably going to regret that.

Shopped for Easter dresses and left feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the lack of classic, age-appropriate options for little girls.

Put a pair of turquoise skinnies in my shopping cart. Put them back.

Had a conversation with Birdy about trading in the diapers for underwear. She's still not convinced.

Delivered tractor parts for Dan.

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Woodlawn // weekending

Another weekend at Woodlawn means a few more steps forward on progress. And as with any remodeling project, there have been bumps in the road. 

I've been scheduling the arrival of everything from flooring to appliances and kitchen cabinets. And even with my cushions for setbacks and issues, things are still "lost" or there's "no word from the manufacturer".

The flooring debacle was a huge headache. Now the dishwasher is MIA. And the kitchen cabinets have no expected arrival date, despite the fact that I was given next week as an arrival date and I just bought a plane ticket for Dan's brother-in-law to come out and install them...with a cushion for "issues". So we're sweating a few things around here. 

Not only have I memorized the number for Home Depot, I've also memorized the number menus. Press 3 for kitchens. 5 for flooring. 0 for customer service... 

In the meantime, we keep taking little steps forward.

This weekend and last, we investigated a leak in the den. Expected with any old house. 

We moved a few things into the attic which means the girls rediscovered some favorite toys that had been stashed away. And I had to shoo little hands from opening up boxes of packed up, too-small clothes and shoes. The rediscovering of these things is like a mini-Christmas.

So we're moving forward. Little by little. I feel like we are on the cusp of things getting really crazy. Good crazy. But crazy nonetheless. 

Hope you all had a good weekend, too...more soon!

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Chore charts, check lists and when can I watch TV?


It feels almost silly and naive to be writing about this, only three days in. Because every new system is bliss in its early days. The real measure of success comes weeks down the road when you find you're still using it and it still works. But still I know how it goes. As parents we see a problem, something that needs to be changed and we come up with a solution. Sometimes it's a temporary fix that gets us through a rough patch. Sometimes it's a crutch that helps establish new habits or new expectations. 


I should have known something as simple as a checklist would be the thing that seems to work for my kids. They are my offspring afterall and I'm a girl who loves her lists. And just like all the fuss over finding the perfect gift only to discover what they really want to play with is the box--this list has no gimmicks, stickers or stars. It's just a list. Turns out, they don't need all the other stuff. 


But here's why we needed it:

1.) My family has issues with technology. (I should say, everyone but my husband--he's could really care less.) We seem to waffle between extremes. We go through long seasons where the TV's locked away in a cupboard and no one even seems to remember that we have one. Or we swing to the other extreme--and I hit the end of the day feeling disappointed and frankly a little sick at the amount of screen time my kids have cosumed in the past 12 hours. I'm all for the lock it away philosophy. But in reality that's getting harder--there are presidential debates, Sunday morning news, weather to follow, and knitting to accomplish which requires a good teary episode of Parenthood. Then, there's the oldest child and her hard-earned and recently acquired iPod Touch. The list goes on and on. It seeps in and there has to be a way to live with it, but still be in control of it. 

2.) I was often reaching the dinner hour and feeling frazzled that there was still piano to practice, french lessons to do, eggs to collect, laundry to put away. I couldn't figure out where the time had gone and how we'd managed to get this far into the day without accomplishing some very basic tasks that needed to be done.

3.) The plus of a big family is that I've given birth to a small army of helpers. And frankly they are willing to help (and shhhh, I think sometimes they kind of enjoy it.) But I was not enlisting their help at all. And more often than not, when I did need help it was always falling on the shoulders of the oldest, because the girl can get a job done well and willingly. And that's not fair.

4.) I hate nagging.

5.) I hate whining. (my own and theirs.)


So simple as that, every morning I do a quick print out of each child's list. Tack it up on the chalkboard in the kitchen and that's it. Those basic, important tasks are getting done. I don't have to say a word. And everyone knows if there's any hope for channel flipping, afternoon movie watching, or iPod Touch touching, the list must be done. 


And yes, we're in the blissful stages. A real moment of bliss? This afternoon, I was tucked in bed easing a sick kid into a nap and downstairs I could hear someone speaking french and another little someone setting the dinner table. I totally nailed this one. Until the next one comes along.....


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my new kick: homemade magic shell

my new kick

Good morning. I'm on my second cup of coffee this morning after sleeping with a sick Elizabeth last night. We played musical beds, Dan sleeping in Elizabeth's room with Mary. And me, with Elizabeth in our bed. Confusing. But sleeping with Elizabeth when she's sick means waking up with her feverish sweaty legs draped over you, covers ripped off, or waking up with her feet in your face. She tosses and turns and cries all through the night. Fun times. We've all been there, I know. Hence, cup of joe number two. 

Speaking of numbers, I've been trying to teach Birdy how to count in french. Just as she's getting it down in english I'm throwing in french. I wonder if I have her completely confused? The girls are learning French with Rosetta Stone this year (and I'm refreshing my french) so it's always in my mind. But I just can't resist a sweet little two year old counting in french. 

my new kick

Speaking of sweet (apprently I'm a fan of the segue today), I'm on a new kick in the kitchen. Remember the chocolate chip meringues? Mmmmn. I'm going to have to make those again soon. Anyway, my new kick is danergously simple and dangerously good. Yummy. Excellent. Divine. 

From my study of chocolate sauces this past summer, you know that I come from a long line of ice cream-with-sauce lovers. Now while I'll never let this recipe overshadow my grandmother's chocolate chewy sauce, this recipe is so so good.

We love magic shell in this house. You know, the stuff that gets all hard and crackly on top of your ice cream? But if you've ever read the back of the bottle (don't do it!) or felt that waxy post-magic shell feeling on the roof of your mouth, you know it has its down sides. 

my new kick

I'm starting to realize there are about a zillion uses for coconut oil. But this just might be my favorite-homemade magic shell. The recipe is simple:

Melt together 1 + 1/4 cups of semi sweet chocolate chips and 1/2 cup of coconut oil (in its hard state) over medium heat. Once smooth, pour over your ice cream and wait for the magic.

It is so good (have I mentioned that yet?). No waxy mouth. No yucky ingredients. And it's made with coconut oil. Doesn't that put it in the healthy category now? So if you're looking for a little something to impress your kids, or your guests or your taste buds, you must, must join me on this new kick.

(And fyi, I poured my leftover sauce into a glass jar and have reheated it in a lightly boiling hot water bath. Works perfectly.) 

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Goodbye Olympics, hello end of summer

2032, perhaps?

Olympics are over and I have to admit that we weren't into it as much this year as I thought we would be. We took in our fair share of swimming, gymnastics and soccer. And streamed a lot of equestrian events online, but  overall we weren't glued to the games. No Olympics withdrawl. 

It's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that it is mid-August. We're in the thick of back-to-school prep. Buying books, cleaning out and rearranging the school room. We'll start the first week of September, though with a cubby full of fresh school supplies the girls are begging to start. That's just the way I like 'em--champing at the bit for the beginning of school.

Fall always has the same fresh feel that January 1 does. Getting organized, falling back into routines, an excuse to buy a new planner. I love it. And of course, through the overwhelming power of Pinterest, I've been pinning tons of organizational ideas I'll never have time to accomplish because I'm so busy pinning them

But here are four fave pins of the week that have uber-organized written all over them. 

I think I'm actually going to do this calendar for our school room. I love having a big calendar to display, and this is way more attractive than the oversized desk calendar I've used in the past. I'm all over this idea from maple & magnolia

Paint chip calendar
This gets to my inner-geek in only a way Martha Stewart can. The drawers are painted to show what goes where. Not only do I love the organization of this. I love that it helps kids get involved. But, I'm also completely in love with the idea of putting things like plates, cups, bowls in a drawer, where kids can reach them easily. Setting the dinner table is a great kid-chore and this makes it so do-able for them. 

I could get lost on this site for awhile, searching through every kind of printable paper you can imagine. A score sheet for cricket? Yahtzee? Softball? You'll find it here. And of course other kid-friendly things like lined paper, graph paper, manuscript paper, lesson plan sheets...all free, my friends. 

With four girls, tons of hand-me-downs and dresser drawers overflowing with clothes, I LOVE this concept of buying a few pieces that can be mixed and matched into tons of outfits. (more combinations are on her site) It reminds me of when I was younger and one of my mother's friends came over to help me organize my closet and put together outfits. She was great at taking a few pieces and wearing them lots of different ways. And she wrote down outfits on little notecards so I could choose a different one for each day. What I would give to have a personal sylist like that now. My middle school self had no idea how good I had it. Ha! 

Back to school
Does the beginning of the school year get you excited for getting organized? What projects are you up to? I'd love to hear! 

You can find me on Pinterest @mollybalint

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