June needs to take a serious chill pill. These days have been chock full and yikes, I've missed three of my days of daily blogging in June. I'll make up for it at the end of the month, I promise.
This morning before breakfast, I ran out to the corner to grab a gallon of milk. Somehow I got ridiculously sidetracked and ended up at a local farm buying strawberries and bags of just-picked salad greens. Strawberry season always sneaks up on me. And word around town is that the season is about to end.
We're down to our last jar of jam from last summer, which I have judiciously rationed all winter. If I missed my strawberry-jam-making window this year, there'd be store-bought jam for the rest of the year.
So when I passed the strawberry sign early this morning, the pull was just too strong and I came home with an arm load of berries.
And apparently in the move to Woodlawn and my crazed de-cluttering, I gave away all my empty jam jars. So I found myself standing in Wegmans this afternoon deciding which size jam jars I want to make this year. And darn if I wasn't a total sucker for the blue vintage throw-backs. I'm thinking they'll look awfully nice full of strawberry jam.
The girls' grandmother arrived in town today from Wisconsin. She'll be staying for the week, so between a trip to the airport, welcoming her and slipping off to the grocery store, the jam session has been pushed off until tomorrow. But I'm pretty sure it's the perfect thing for a Sunday afternoon.