Brown Paper Packages...

I've got mail on the brain. First of all this wonderful little parcel arrived in the mail today from Jackie.
I admired her children's PJ pants (Jackie, I tried to go back and find the original picture on your blog, but couldn't...hmmm..) and told her I had been wanting to make some for my girls, so she sent me the pattern she used. Not only that, she sent along some adorable buttons (enlarge the picture, it's worth seeing them up close!), some beautiful vintage fabric and look at the card she made! I'm just going to keep it at my desk to admire. Is it from one of your linocuts, Jackie? It is all beautiful and I love it. I can't wait to pull out some of those patterns. Emma has already asked me to make her the little cross over swing dress...but I'm thinking I just HAVE to start with the pants and that little jumper top with pockets! Jackie and I have both shared our grumbles about dragging children to the post office, so I know the sacrifice it took to ship this little package!

I've also got my miniswap package on the brain as well.


I know that I need to get it out by the end of this week, so I've been doing a little knitting and sewing and picking up a few things here and there for my Canadian partner Mary-Sue and her two children....(who ironically are almost the IDENTICAL ages as Emma and Mary.)

Well, I had one other little crafty endeavor to share today. Something completely random that I whipped (wrapped would actually be a better word for it) last night. But Dan is out of town and I haven't gotten his crafty opinion of it yet, so I'll wait to share it...

He'll be back in time for dinner this evening and I'm ready to collapse into his arms. Mary has been very sick while he's been away...


...enough so that we've been to the walk-in clinic and had chest xrays. Let's just say my sweet little Mary is still suffering from some major doctor's office fears after her Christmas eve incident.

She screamed bloody murder from the moment the nurse tried to take her temp in her ear, all the way through the chest xray (it was horrible, and of course I shed a few tears, again!), to being approached by the pharmacist in a white coat at the drug store. She's traumatized. But better (now that Dan's coming home, of course!) She's still coughing so much that she has to run to me and cling to my leg until the coughing passes before she can return to whatever she's doing. It's been a rough three days....Thank goodness for a little sunshine and balmy 37 degree weather ( I live in Wisconsin, remember!?) I even saw a kid in shorts today. It's not THAT warm...

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MiniSwap Flickr Pool


It looks like some packages are already starting to roll in, so I've established a flickr photo pool to share pictures of our swap goodies. Please photograph the treats you received in the mail and post your pictures to the group. I only ask that in your photo description you
include who the package was from and their blog/web address (if they have one). I think this should work and it avoids having me juggle all the pictures via email. If you don't have a flickr account, you can sign up for free account here.

Join the group pool here.

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MiniSwap Button

I forgot to post this help from Blair on how to put the miniswap button on your blog. These directions are based on typepad. If you're still having trouble, let me know and I think I can send you the HTML code.
Thanks for this Blair!!

For typepad users:
Go to the Control Panel section of your weblog and click on Files

Upload the mini-swap button as a new file (I just dragged it from your
pg onto my MAC desktop pulled it from there.)

Click on the file to get its URL code  (Copy this to paste later)

Go to an existing typelist or create a new one, then add this as a new

Fill in the link title with <img src="(put your filename here)"

Fill in the link URL with

This should put the button on the webpage with a link back to you.

  That should do it.
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Miniswap Update and a few details

Thanks to everyone who has signed up so far for the miniswap and for all your enthusiasm. I've really enjoyed peeking at everyone's blogs and websites. I can only imagine the kinds of treats our children will be receiving in the mail. And I think one of the neatest things is that the swappers are from all over the world!! I am going to try to get together a frappr map for everyone to sign, so we can see where everything is coming from.

We have now jumped over the 50 participants mark, so I'm going to close signups at the end of today. I am staying on top of replying to everyone's emails and adding them to an email list for communication. But please be sure to send an email to the mini swap address that is in the first post, instead of just leaving a comment.

I forgot to mention that I'd like to put together a flickr gallery at the end of the swapping, so I'm hoping everyone has the resources to do this? If you don't have one already, flickr accounts are free and easy to set up. Otherwise, if all else fails, I guess you could email a digital photo to me....

Also, some of you signed up your little ones. Once partners are passed out, you might want to contact them with ideas for your child. Or perhaps the package could also include some activities to use as your child gets a little older...just thinking out loud on this one.....

And finally, here is the HTML code if you want to include a button on your blog...I think this should work if you copy and paste it into one of your lists...blair, help me on this one??

<a target=_top HREF=""> <img
src="" border="0"></A>

Once the signups close tonight, I hope to have names swapped by the end of the weekend (as long as my girls keep taking these great afternoon naps).

Looking forward to the swap and seeing all the wonderful packages from your talented families.

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Join In On A Mini Swap


NEXT MINISWAP coming late summer/early fall....

(Sorry, swap is closed. There's been a great response. Hope to have partners out to you asap!)
Two things that I know (I know a little more than two, but anyhow):
1. I love swaps
2. My children LOVE getting/sending mail.

Since before the holidays, I have been toying around with the idea of putting together a swap among our children. I know how much my girls love to get special packages in the mail and not a day goes by that Emma isn't sitting at her desk writing letters to family and friends. So I thought it would be a blast to put the two together.
This is the first swap that I have put together, so bear with me if I miss some details or leave things out, but here's the plan: (thank you blair for talking through all this with me!)

  • We are keeping the swap within a broad theme "To brighten the winter(rainy day) Blues"
  • There is no age limit for the children that partcipate, however the idea is to have your children be included in the creating of swap goodies.
  • We will swap by household. Keep in mind you may only include one child, but you might have to create a swap package for a home with three children. You do not necessarily have to create a package three times as big, just include a little something for each child and things to share.
  • Do your best to keep all things "handmade or hand-me-down". You might go out and purchase a few small things or treats, obviously, but do your best to keep the majority of things within the H & H category.
  • You need to be willing to ship overseas, so that anyone can be involved.
  • Some random ideas of things to include: drawings, paintings, stickers, activity boxes, small trinkets, a zipper bag of art supplies, a pair of mittens or softie, directions and supplies for an art activity, a small handed down toy, glitter and pompoms, a postcard(or little map) of where you live (can we all include one of these?)
  • Goal is to ship by February 25th, so that packages will be received around the last week of February to beginning of March.
  • Interested??: email me: miniswap (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
  • Include your name, the names and ages of your children that will participate and your shipping address.
  • Once I see the interest that's out there, I will close the sign ups and randomly swap households.

Suggestions, more ideas, questions...send me an email or leave a comment!! And please pass it on, so we can get lots involved!

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