to give :: to receive

gifts from Kristen Doran

So they say that it's better to give than receive, but after some of the things that have been coming to my mailbox lately, I'm not so sure. I'll have to get back to you. I'm going to "give" at the end of this post, so I'll let you know which feels better!

gifts from Kristen Doran

First of all my dear long-time blogging friend Kristen, sent me a nice little package a few weeks ago. In it were some of her fabulous fabrics, which are the nicest fabrics that have ever graced my fabric shelves, along with a MollyBirds print, in a new (my favorite so far) colorway.  Who knew a little woodworking project could inspire something so great? Kristen also sent along two pads of her new line of papers. I love them and I'm beating my children off with a stick to keep them away from them. They've got sticky fingers those girls so I've taken to hiding them in different places around my desk.

And Kristen, for the record, Happy Belated Birthday! I made you a video message to send as a little "gift", but I chickened out. I'm working on "take 2". Thank you, friend! You know what I love.

from Molly

As if that wasn't enough, Molly,(whose new banner I love), my dear blogging friend and new penpal sent an extra large "letter" in the mail for our last exchange. In it she included this cute little puzzle wreath, these books that she scores at her "friends of the library" sales (I'm jealous), and some homemade marshmallows. Molly, the books were key--especially the horse-drawing one. I'm not turning it over to Emma quite yet because apparently my horses aren't "real-ish enough" these days. I need some lessons.

Now about the marshmallows...I'm not sure if I should admit this openly, but I've never had homemade marshmallows. Whoa. Is there any ounce of comparison between powdery puffy store-bought nothingness and fluffy, sweet, perfect homemade? The bag was gone the next day--probably another thing I shouldn't admit openly--but I did have lots of help with the finishing...

etsy find

And last of all, one night when Dan was well into dreamland, I was up late on the computer and somehow stumbled upon the etsy shop DoggiePiggie. I'm not one for impulse buys, but as soon as I saw these animal tracks alphabet cards, I knew I needed a set for me, (I mean, the girls.) I love them. I'll probably somehow use them to decorate in their new room. And tonight I see that the shop owner at doggiepiggie was holding out on me!! She now has a Memory Card Game, Counting Flash Cards, and great sets of flat and folded cards. Her profile says she's combining her love of science and art. I think they've come together beautifully.

Now for the giving....I've somehow managed to have an extra copy of Amanda's Creative Family book. And I would love to give it away to someone who doesn't have a copy. If you are a mother, auntie (uncle? anyone?), should be reading this book. I can't tell you how many times Amanda's words come back to me throughout my day. Leave a comment indicating that you'd like your name in the hat. I'll pick a name later in the week. You can read my review of her book here.

I actually have two other books to give away, but I'll save them for another post soon. This turned into a longer post than I anticipated.

I gave the bloggity-blog a facelift today. I just needed something new. This was different. The seasons are changing and I get blog-design-ants-in-my-pants. I feel much better now.

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dinner, revisited

Hello, I'm still here. I owe my disappearance from this blog to a writing deadline that was using up my brainpower, another round of (milder) sickness hitting the youngest two, and just too many sunny days. Although Elizabeth seems to have the worst of it now, but she had a milder case of the flu when we were all suffering with it the first time around. I see sick eyes in this picture....

I finally finished my mobile for meg's mobile swap last week. It is a variation of the one hanging over elizabeth's changing table, which she is demonstrating in this picture, needs to be raised a wee bit! And instead of hanging it on an embroidery hoop, I attached a few fabric leaves to a willow branch and hung the swallows from there. If you haven't seen the mobile swap flickr group, you must check it out. There is some amazing work floating around--(one of my favorites being the one meg made...)


So this week I planned my menus again, just dinner--and spent a little more than last week--$131. But last week I think I did a better job of using some of the things I already had in my pantry and made some old standby meals. This week I tried two new recipes. Several people have asked me to share what I made, but let me warn you, we are a very meat and potatoes type of family. Well-balanced and colorful, yes, but meat and potatoes. This is nothing fancy, all very simple menu items....

Monday (b/c the planned roast didn't defrost):
Cream of Broccoli Soup
Baked potatoes

Marinated chicken
Tomato/Bocconcini cheese/Basil tossed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar

Meat Loaf
baked sweet potatoes
homemade corn bread

Spaghetti with turkey meatballs
homemade bread

homemade pizza--
"white" pizza--chicken, artichoke hearts, spinach, a bit of bacon, mozzarella cheese.

tabouli over mixed greens--
this was a first try for me, the tabouli. I made it from a mix out of a box and it was no good. But I want to find more grains to include in my menus besides rice and couscous, so if anyone has any suggestions?)

(and I think we had some applesauce in there somewhere...)

So there it is. In all it's (lack of) glory.
Now I'm hungry....

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whoooo will be my valentine?


The girls and I sat at the kitchen table this morning and made these valentine owls. I did all the cutting earlier from a pattern I sketched out a few days ago. See their heart shape faces? I'm hoping people will get that part of it. And their bodies are black--not very valentine-ish. But who knew my brand new pack of construction paper would have no brown?? If I'd thought of it before this very second, we would have done them on some brown craft paper instead.

So we delivered them door to door to a few special valentines in our valley--along with a few shy kisses and hugs.


Mary painstakingly signed her name on a small square of paper that I cut out and glued to the back of each one. It was fascinating to watch her write out each letter--any direction, any place on the little small square of paper. I have to give it to her, she stuck it out for five whole valentines.


We also got two lovely valentine gifts through the mail. Steph sent me (and the girls) this awesome print of her stitched art. Can you guess which person in our house claimed it as hers? Thank you so much Steph. I love having a little piece of your work to look at. You know I'm a big fan. (and check out what her husband did for valentine's day...)

And yesterday our miniswap package arrived in the mail. Wow, were we spoiled. I'll show pictures as soon as I gather it all up again from every corner of the house. Jesica, my girls are walking around with some pretty little felt bead bracelets today. They worked on them quietly and with such determination first thing this morning.

Happy Valentine's day everyone. Have something sweet. Do something sweet.

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don't stand on my right...

because I won't be able to look at you. I slept funny on my neck last night and now it's killing me to turn my head to the right. I'm trying to slowly stretch it out, but man oh man, it hurts!

We've had another one of those lovely stay home all day kinds of days. The sun finally showed its face today and I keep finding Elizabeth in this square of sunshine on the floor. She crawls away from it, picks something up, and somehow manages to always plop back down right in the middle of it. Must feel warm on her back.

On Monday my girls and I had the pleasure of having Mama Urchin and her cutie pie kids come to our house to visit. As we sat together in my living room--both our (cow)girls off together somewhere outside, Mary nestled in beside her on the sofa and T mesmerized by the "penguin game"--I was amazed at how quickly we fell into a 'groove' of friendship. It was absolutely wonderful and comfortable. I felt like we'd been friends for a long time. We went for a walk around the farm, ate her yummy soup, and sat and talked until our children melted. Come back soon, friend. **edited to add: if you want to see what we sent one of the urchins home with, go here**


I've also been meaning to show you this lovely piece of pottery I received in the mail from my friend Melissa. I've admired her pottery on flickr for awhile and she's FINALLY opened up an etsy shop (I'm digging this honey pot!) and started her own blog. This sea urchin vase was one that I admired for awhile and she was so kind to send me one of my own. I love it because it will be perfect for those tiny bouquets that little hands bring me all summer long. And for now, it's helping my baby fern take root.  Thank you, Melissa. I really love it.

Miniswap partners went out today. So if you didn't get an email from me, please let me know.

Happy Wednesday, friends.

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december 6

Goodness! Where have I been? Actually, I wrote a post this week, but it stayed in the draft stages of my blog. It was one of those unloading posts, one of those, "I think I need a small break from blogging posts"...but I've fully recovered. I need to remind myself not to write posts when the laundry pile is taller than my oldest child, the breakfast dishes are being washed with the lunch dishes and both of my girls are roller skating in the kitchen! phew.

Anyway this week we welcomed our first day of snow. A beautiful, fluffy, all-day snow. "The whole WORLD is white!" was what I heard over and over. Mary barely made it over the threshold of the front door before assuming the angel position. Winter is finally here. Bring it on.


I've updated my sidebar with a direct link to all my posts at the babycenter blog. I couldn't keep up with the daily updates, so I just made a generic link to the posts by me. I just reviewed a book over there, which I think many of you would really love--because I know so many of us share a passion for teaching our children about good food, eating locally, and our food sources.

I also have a few thank-you's that are long overdue.

  • First of all, thank you to Erin for sending Elizabeth a pair of these. She wears them every day except the day they're in the laundry!  You're a dear friend.
  • Thank you to Tiffany, my local blogging buddy who gave the girls a cute handmade bag full of her limber letters. The girls play with them all the time. All the time. You can find them in her etsy shop with a whole load of other cute things.
  • And another big thank you to Michelle, who quickly jumped on board to make my bare-headed baby a winter cap. I love it. And the extra goodies in the bag were snatched up and carried away quickly, too--let's just say they involved horses and crowns. Good stuff.
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