Do You See the Similarities?


Do you see the similarities--the puffy sleeves, the pleats and swirls of the skirt? Okay, maybe it's just one of those proud mother kinds of things...One of the things I've been enjoying about Emma lately is how her artwork is changing. She's adding more dimension, taking her time, and picking up on little details she hadn't added before. Her big thing lately is adding clothing to her formerly naked stick-figure people. She's even expanding her repetoire to things like cats and sunshines and flowers. I love it.

I am heading out to another round of pottery classes in about an hour. I can't wait to get back in there and make some more buttons. I'm trying a new type of clay this time that should give me some different color effects, but still planning on making some more stoneware buttons. I'm looking forward to a little alone time in the studio at the art museum.

Meanwhile at home, I'm frantically working on laundry and housecleaning before we head to the Chicago suburbs tomorrow to spend some time at my brother and sister-in-law's place. I'm looking forward to getting away after some depressing developments this week concerning Dan's job search. More on that later.

I finally got an email out today with miniswap partners, so if you haven't received one yet, please leave me a comment or drop me an email. (ooops! I guess it would be helpful if I sent the email to the WHOLE list of swappers, not just A-L !! That darn address book with its two pages of addresses!!)