#GivingTuesday : Barnraiser--Kickstarter for farmers

#GivingTuesday may almost be over, but it seems like the perfect day to share one of the things that has been bookmarked on my computer for weeks, because I knew I wanted to share it with all of you. Projects like this are always near and dear to my heart, and this is one that needs more eyes, voices and support behind it. 

An email from Barnraiser showed up in my inbox a few weeks ago and I was immediately intrigued. The best way for me to sum up Barnraiser is that it is like Kickstarter for farmers, artisans, educators and community projects that are aimed at helping to reshape our food system. It's for anyone wanting to make a difference in the way we farm and the way we eat. 

Just a quick perusal of the site and you'll find projects like heirloom fruit orchards and classroom gardens, a bakery's wood-burning oven, a farm's micro-creamery, sustainable bees and responsible chicken farms, looking for financial support to get their projects and ideas up and running. 

Secretly, I've always had lofty dreams of ways I'd love to dig my hands into agricultural and community-based ideas. But one of the things always holding me back was "where would I ever come up with the money.

It's projects like Barnraiser that are opening the doors for these ideas that are making a difference and making changes in our local resources, small farming communities and the food that ends up on our tables. 

Take a moment on this #GivingTuesday (or Wednesday or Thursday or any day!) to check out this Barnraiser. Trust me, you'll be inspired by these people.

**Also note: Anytime you make a pledge on Barnraiser you can elect to gift your reward to someone else...what a cool way to give this holiday season.**

More than just clean teeth

My girls and I were asked by our friends from Social Stars to take a look at these products from LISTERINE® SMARTRINSE. We were sent some goodies and tested out the products as part of our nightly bedtime routine. My promise to my blog readers is that I will only share sponsored posts on this blog if they are for products I would recommend to my friends, purchase myself, and have some connection to something I am learning, working on, teaching my children or care deeply about. So if I'm sharing it here, know that it's because I think it's worthy of sharing.

I went to the dentist last week and I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't been in the dentist chair in quite awhile. Long enough that I couldn't remember the last time, and had to put a big fat question mark on that part of my new patient form. It's the classic "no dental insurance, put the kids' teeth before my own teeth" scenario. Thankfully, through the power of good genetics and good brushing, my thirty-eight year streak of no cavities and no fillings has continued.  And the dentist office was quick to make sure I would be back in six months and keep up with my healthy teeth. I promised I would.

I have to admit that in my current commitment to better health, my eyes have been opened to the power that lies in taking care of all of oneself. 

In my blissful youth, I was the kid who never had to worry about her skin. But the bliss of those days is apparently over as I've hit my late thirties. And I have adopted a Skin Care Routine. As crazy as it may sound, taking care of my skin has been an eye-opening experience. Those five minutes I take at the end of the evening to pull back my hair, wash my face and put on a little magical cream feel so important. Not only the fact that it's good for my skin, it's been good for my soul as well. 

Cavities are SCARY! 

Cavities are SCARY! 

Setting aside that time, caring enough about myself to take care of myself, and take time for myself? That's so important--for health, for heart, for self-esteem, for outlook on life. I know, I know, it seems like a bit much to get from a five-minute face washing, but I am convinced that these healthful habits are important and set a pattern for healthful habits in other areas of my life. 

It's this same intention--the importance of caring for yourself--that I'm trying to teach my girls. While we're not needing to worry about blemishes and zit creams yet, we can start off on this same path by taking good care of our teeth. 

Lately, that's meant not only standing in front of the mirror brushing, but also adding more to that nighttime routine, including flossing and using mouthwash. I want my girls to know that taking care of their teeth isn't just about cavity prevention, it's also about taking care of the whole self. It's about setting aside time to establish healthy habits--something that will serve them well in all areas of their lives. 

The girls recently got a fun package in the mail full of teeth-care-taking goodies from the folks at Listerine. Now, if you live in a house of girls, you can probably guess there's a little bit of excitement over pink mouthwash, purple dental floss and cool toothbrush holders that suction cup to your mirror. 

It was the perfect way to continue to encourage the point I am trying to make--that caring for teeth is more than just clean teeth. But in the meantime, while they're swirling and spitting and I'm feeling good about them taking care of their bodies--the LISTERINE® SMARTRINSE is cleaning up the gunk their toothbrushing didn't get, strengthening their teeth and taking care of their whole mouth. Because a happy mouth is a smiley mouth. And who wouldn't want to see this crazy smile?

Want to know more about LISTERINE SMARTRINSE®? It helps prevent kids' cavities, and strengthens teeth 99% better than brushing alone. It cleans in places the toothbrush cannot reach (and c'mon we know kids aren't the best brushers), and provides up to 12 hours of cavity protection. And my girls say the pink is the best. Sorry boys. 


Buying clothes for girls: (OshKosh B'Gosh is my new fave)

You've heard me talk about it plenty of times before--every time I drag all my girls off to the store for clothes the slim picking of things that are classic and age-appropriate leaves me frustrated. I get increasingly discouraged as more and more of my go-to shopping spots give in to the adult-like clothes in little sizes. So I was pretty much dreading the back-to-school shopping session I knew would be coming up soon.

Can't a little girl just get a cute skirt that hits at the knee instead of 8 inches above it? 

Or a nice tshirt that doesn't have some sassy adjective blazoned across the front in glitter? 

Or a dress that doesn't have the back cut out? 

Or comfy sweats without a message written across the backside?

*Big sigh.* 

But when I was asked by The Motherhood to take part in a post with OshKoshB'Gosh about back to school clothing, I'll admit that the name conjured up babies in overalls not a place my girls and I would be shopping for clothes. OshKosh wasn't even on my radar. 

But I quickly jumped on the site and was completely surprised by what I found, so I decided to sign on to the program. 

My disclaimer? They gave us a gift card to get a few things at their store. But keep reading.

People. Seriously. OshKosh B'Gosh is my new favorite. I feel like I've just uncovered the find of the year. And I promise you I'm not just saying that. Three girls? (they don't have sizes for Emma) That gift card was blown in the first ten minutes. But I was happily spending my own money to stock up on clothes for back to school from a company that believes in age-appropriate clothing and kids being kids. 

I didn't need to steer the girls away from certain outfits. Everything was something I'd feel comfortable having them wear, and even better, they were finding things they loved. 

Tunics and leggings. Woven shirts in florals and gingham. Overalls in big-kid sizes that were so cute I couldn't stand it. Stripes. Pants in fun colors. Great-fitting jeans. Fun accessories. Shoes. I loved the shoes.

And sales. Really, really good sales. (I just clicked over to their site...up to 50% off right now. AND, I have a coupon for you at the end.)

So if you're like me, and find clothes shopping for your kids a frustrating experience, make sure OshKoshB'Gosh is on your radar. I'm so happy to have discovered my new go-to source for their clothes for back to school and for the future. I'm smitten. 

(Check out some of the girls' favorite things:)

One of the parts of this program with OshKoshB'Gosh was a phone call with their company, including one of the designers of this year's back to school collection. I was taking notes, and these are the things I wrote down in my notebook.... 

"We're all about kids being kids"
We want them to "be kids as long as they can.” 
There's "plenty of time to grow up.”
Our clothes are "timeless and classic". 

That pretty much sums it up. 

Disclaimer: This post is part of a sponsorship with OshKoshB'Gosh. All the opinions expressed in this post are my own, honest opinions. In other words, yes, I really love their clothes this much. 


OshKoshB'Gosh has also launched their B'Gosh Jeanious campaign to support KIDS and DonorsChoose.org to help local kids, teachers and schools. Donate a pair of new jeans or make a cash donation for a great cause. OshKosh will match all denim donations with another item of clothing. And cash donations will be matched up to $50K. he campaign runs until September 17.

15 songs on my workout playlist

I promise this blog will not become all about workouts and food diaries. But you know, if there's one thing I love, it's music. And when I can marry music and my new-found motivation to get healthy, well...bonus stars all around. 

I am always on the hunt for new music, but now I've added a new category to my search--songs to workout to. (Sorry for the preposition at the end of that sentence.) The funny thing is, my normal taste in music is pretty different from my taste in workout music. I hardly ever listen to these songs outside of the treadmill--well, except when I'm in the car with the girls being the cool mom. My kids approve of my workout playlist. I am honored.

So read the fine print above, please, don't judge a girl by the music she puts on her workout playlist. I prefer my playlists on shuffle so there's a fun little surprise each time a new song comes on. And yes, I have Justin Timberlake and Dolly Parton on the same playlist. I like to shake things up.

Also it will only be a matter of weeks before this list will start to drive me nuts and I'll need a new round of songs. Got something good for me? Leave your favorites in the comments, please! 

  • Chinese Translation // M.Ward
  • Stubborn Love // The Lumineers
  • Empire // Shakira
  • The Man // Aloe Blacc
  • Hey Brother // Avicii
  • Cecilia // Simone & Garfunkel
  • Politik // Coldplay
  • Get On Up // The Esquires
  • Jolene // Dolly Parton
  • Superstition // Stevie Wonder
  • Problem // Ariana Grande
  • You Go Down Smooth // Lake Street Dive
  • We Are Young // Fun.
  • Build Me Up Buttercup // The Foundations
  • New Shoes // Paolo Nutini
  • Mirrors // Justin Timberlake
  • Sail // Awolnation

The nifty widget below lets you listen to the songs on my playlist and click over to find them on amazon. 

Going home + a list


Hello, friends. Easing back into this space with a list of things that are striking my fancy. 

*The photo above is the house I grew up in. Sorta has a Woodlawn feel doesn't it? This Saturday I went home for a 'celebration of life' for a very close childhood friend. Though he is rapidly losing the battle to ALS, he decided that to celebrate LIFE and bring together the people he loves now, instead of after he's gone. I admit to really dreading the weekend--the uncomfortableness of why we were getting together, seeing people I haven't seen in years, worrying about the 'right' things to say in a situation like this. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that all my fears were all about me. And this celebration had nothing to do with me. My friend is one of the bravest people I know. He is facing this with courage and grace. And I am so grateful to him for bringing us all together, truly, to celebrate. 

More soon...xo.