Going home + a list


Hello, friends. Easing back into this space with a list of things that are striking my fancy. 

*The photo above is the house I grew up in. Sorta has a Woodlawn feel doesn't it? This Saturday I went home for a 'celebration of life' for a very close childhood friend. Though he is rapidly losing the battle to ALS, he decided that to celebrate LIFE and bring together the people he loves now, instead of after he's gone. I admit to really dreading the weekend--the uncomfortableness of why we were getting together, seeing people I haven't seen in years, worrying about the 'right' things to say in a situation like this. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that all my fears were all about me. And this celebration had nothing to do with me. My friend is one of the bravest people I know. He is facing this with courage and grace. And I am so grateful to him for bringing us all together, truly, to celebrate. 

More soon...xo.