how we do two

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It's become a tradition in this house that for the early birthdays, I make ice cream cone cupcakes. It's really nothing earth-shattering--just pouring the cupcake batter into cake cones, baking and frosting. I'm sure there's probably some fancy-schmancy holder out there for this job, but I just set each cone inside my cupcake tins.

The hardest part is maneuvering the cupcakes from the counter into the oven. It takes a very steady hand. I recommend holding your breath while attempting. But there's something about the cake batter baked inside those cake cones that is SO good. Seriously. I think when my birthday rolls around I just might have to choose these for myself.

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But more importantly, for the small set they make a perfect little cupcake that's easy to hold on to and devour. It's become a family tradition of sorts. 

More soon, including some pictures from my sister's on-going kitchen remodel, some guerrila goodness and other general randomness, as always!