lots of little things

Two batches of jam were made yesterday. It was supposed to be this lovely, music-in-the-background, mama and her daughters time, but the straw that broke this camel's back was when the bowl of strawberries went flinging across the kitchen floor. Again. Then it became a solo jam-making session. Ahem. 

I think I'm back on coffee. I gave it up several months ago and switched to tea. But I'm sorry, tea you're lovely, but that first cup of coffee in the morning, savored and sipped? Delightful. We'll see how I feel switching back (it's been two days). I do know I felt good drinking tea--just maybe not quite as awake. Ha.

Emma has stolen the family record player and put it in her bedroom. Fiddler on the Roof is blasting through our upstairs. There could be worse things.

I switched to Mrs. Meyer's Laundry Soap (lavender) this last time I bought detergent. I really, really like it and feel like my clothes are getting really clean. It was also on sale, which is why I splurged. Anyone else use it? And walking into my laundry room smelling lavender is pretty lovely.

I just made an appointment for a mole check with my dermatologist. This is me, reminding you, that it's a good thing to do. It's one of those things that stays on your to-do list forever, but really, it only takes a moment and it's so important

So hi! Hello! What little things are up with you?