Woodlawn // kitchen update + lists


Oh, people. I think I may have just completed my most overwhelming, crazy week ever. Not only was this the week we flew in Dan's amazingly talented carpenter-brother for a week of hard-core kitchen bootcamp, it was also the week I started a new job with BabyCenter, had vets coming to our house for every species of animal, dentist appointments for all my girls, and began to really feel the stress (and my unpreparedness) about the fact that I have two plump sheep in the barn who could quite possibly give birth at the end of the month, just as we are getting ready to move. 

If stress burned calories, I'd be set. 

But, you know I'll look back on all this some day and laugh, right? And I'll have great stories, right? And it's all worth it, right? Saturday night, Dan sat, exhausted, at the dinner table after working since the wee hours that morning and said "you know what, I changed my mind, I don't want to move." (For the record, he'd had wine, but no coffee yet, and he had to go back for another several hours of work before he could collapse into bed.) 


But, we are moving people. And we'll get past this and it will be worth it, at some point. I'm just having to keep my eyes focused on that tiny bit of light at the end of a very long, uphill, in a snowstorm-tunnel that we're walking through right now. 

There are much worse things to have overwhelming your life. I'm not losing sight of that.


Moving on....phew! So, we made progress this week! 

The kitchen cabinets FINALLY arrived on Friday, the absolute last day they could arrive without Dan's brother's trip out to help being a total bust. (Martha Stewart would not be pleased with the disorganization of "her cabinet makers".) 


Water lines and electricity were moved and added. 

Floors were finished. 

Late nights were pulled. 


Counter tops were installed.

Sinks were found in the discount bin (yay!) and installed.

Lunches and coffees and mid-morning breadkfast sandwiches were carted back and forth.


Meals were eaten on top of washers and dryers and sitting on steps and five gallon buckets. 

Yesterday morning after Dan dropped his brother off at the airport, we all met back at the house. And our tiny crew of workers broke down boxes and swept sawdust and opened and closed the refrigerator door a bajillion times and got pretty geeked out over crushed ice. 


We're moving forward. The press is on. The kitchen isn't finished, but it looks like a kitchen! Once the kitchen is finished the next big hurdle is bathrooms. God love 'em, not a single bathroom works completely. We will have to shower in one, go the bathroom in another, and wash hands in the kitchen sink. 

But hey, I've lived a long time with my shower that requires a wrench to turn it on and another tool to adjust the temperature. I can live with this for awhile, too. 

More soon, my friends. And most importantly, thanks for following along and letting me unload my overwhelming moments.