Hello from the trenches

Just popping on here tonight, from my dark, empty house to give a quick update. I am typing this from my mattress which is plopped on the floor of my bedroom. We are basically living between two houses right now--Thomas Run and Woodlawn. At this point, I feel more like a squatter at Thomas Run than a former home dweller. 

Family and friends arrived at our doorstep early Saturday morning to help us move things over to Woodlawn. I naively told myself I had a pretty good handle on the whole packing up thing, but in the end it became a complete free-for-all of stuffing things into bags and boxes and throwing it onto the truck. It's the little stuff that kills ya. But in the end, the help was worth the chaos. 

After the weekend ended there were still some key things that needed to be done at the house. So we're sleeping at Thomas Run despite the fact that rooms are empty and the only place to sit down is either on your mattress on the floor or at a chair in the kitchen. 

This move has been a bear. Lots of ups and downs that come with transition. Exhaustion. Stress. Sick, nap-skipping, out-of-sorts kids. And I know we're all feeling spread pretty thin, Dan in particular. Between moving out, fixing up the last minute things in the house, building stalls for animals, arranging trailers, transportation, utilities....blah blah blah, I'm ready to just move in already! 

For the past three days we've been saying, "Tonight we'll sleep at Woodlawn!" and then something thwarts our plan. But. BUT. Tomorrow, we'll sleep at Woodlawn! (I hope.) 

When I'm not at the new house I get waves of overwhelment (yes, I made that word up. It's late.) wondering why we took on such a big project when life was just fine and simple here. But each time I drive up that road, or step into the kitchen or see the light on the hills behind the barn, I'm reminded why we fell in love with this place to begin with.