Woodlawn // weekend late nights

*It's official! I made the switch this weekend to my new blog design and platform. Plus side, I love it, down side, everyone who is subscribed will have to re-subscribe because the feeds have changed. So please, please, take a moment and update your feed. You can grab it from the sidebar, or if you prefer, scroll down the page and sign up for email updates in your inbox, my personal preference. And if you were already an email subscriber, no worries, you should still be fine!*


Dan is pulling a late night at Woodlawn tonight. We just got home from taking him dinner, which he eats standing up, and in tonight's case, straight from the pot. I'm getting pretty good at portable meals. 


Tonight he is waxing our kitchen floors. We went with Armstrong VCT tile--a commercial grade tile that comes in just about every color you can imagine. It's durable, long-lasting, easy to care for and is incredibly budget-friendly. Not only that, it was important to me that the kitchen floors kept that "old farmhouse kitchen" charm. We looked at lots of options and this one was definitely the best fit. 


But tonight it requires three coats of wax with 30-minute drying periods in between. And then they have to remain untouched for at least 24 hours. So this was our only window to get the job done. ("Our" meaning my hard-working husband's, of course.) 

So he's on house duty. I'm on kid-duty. We're kind of like ships in the night these days as we work towards move-in day.


In the meantime, we are exactly one week away from what will be our first night in Woodlawn. My house is in that lovely state of complete and utter chaos. It's requiring deep breaths and focus on where all this mess will lead us. I try to at least control the things I can--like the dishes. If they're done, I can just stand over the sink and pretend my whole house is just as tidy and put together. Okay, not really....

So cross your fingers, hold your breath, this is the Big Week. Only to be followed by another Big Week (or month) of unpacking and settling in. But that's the fun part. 

P.S. Pete and Paige are doing well. Nursing like champs and sleeping like logs. May is going to have to hurry up and have her babies or hold it in until we move!! Eeeek! More babies soon!!