Things to discuss later

This weekend we had family in town visiting. In particular my two cousins and their little boys. Let's just say, my girls are pretty much baby crazy. We spent most of the weekend running a timer, making sure everyone had equal time holding and loving up on my cousin's baby. When there were tears this weekend, it was because someone wasn't giving someone else enough time with the baby. (Side note: I find the whole notion of "fairness" to be one of the most difficult parenting issues to wade through some times.)

Anyway, there was some serious withdrawal when the girls woke up this morning and it was just boring old me to hang out with. 

In the meantime, there are lots of good things going on in the background. Little by little we are settling in to Woodlwan. We've reached that dangerous point where we're functioning just fine each day, despite the boxes, bags and "things I don't know what to do with yet" languishing in closets, corners and that office/studio room that I'll someday put to use. But I'm trying to force myself to open one more box, or find a home for one more pile every day. It's slow going, but we're getting there. 

Totally unrrelated, and worth a post of it's own, I've been working on writing out a personal "mission" statement. It's one of those things I've heard of people doing and thought, hmmm that's a good idea. But I've never made time for it. Ever. A few nights ago, in a moment of inspiration, I sat down with my moleskine and started to write. Listen, people. The process was amazing. Writing down what I value? Putting my big picture priorities down on paper? It has been SO GOOD for me! Have you ever done it? But, I'm going to save it for another day, when it's not pushing eleven o'clock at night and my book and bed are calling for me. 

I've got a little barn project to share with all of you soon. Hopefully, tomorrow!