Woodlawn update // The key to unpacking after a move

Woodlawn Update


It has been a crazy past few weeks. Friday marked our official one month anniversary of living in Woodlawn. And still there are boxes and bags and things we are tripping over. Corners are jammed with things that have not found their proper home. 

Woodlawn update

Every time Dan ferries another box or tub down to the basement or up to the attic, I wince. I know those things are gone forever, or at least gone for a very long time. Out of sight, out of mind. I know myself well enough to know that it's going to be quite awhile before I force myself to deal with those things we're squirreling away. But sometimes sanity wins out over productivity and intentions. 


In the meantime, I think we've found the key to forcing yourself to unpack and get organized after a move. 


Woodlawn Update

In the past four weeks at Woodlawn, we've entertained more guests than we did in the past 4 months at Thomas Run. Last night we had good friends over for dinner, including their five girls (yup, a major girl party) and while we were running around Sunday afternoon getting ready, I was asking myself why the heck did we decide to do this insane thing?! But Sunday night, after every one had left (and had a great time) and the house was quiet again (except for our exhausted whining children), we looked around and discovered all the progress we'd made that day. 

A few more pictures hung. A few more boxes unpacked and put away. Clutter cleaned up. Vases uncovered and filled with daffodils from the back lawn. Spare glasses and dishes, washed and put up on the shelves. 

Woodlawn update


Woodlawn Update

Despite a bumpy start, lots of annoying setbacks and maybe a few teary conversations with my mother and the words, "Don't ever let me do something like this again." coming out of my mouth, we're slowly starting to find our rhythm here. 

And I look around and count my blessings and feel so thankful for this home.