Things to love and a bonus

Photo (6)
1. A pre-bed pile up in the backyard.

2. Embroidered cyanotypes

3. This kitchen scene


4. This lovely little path.

5. Forgetting. Then remembering, this CD.

6. This playhouse.


7. This moment that feels so true to my crazy little family, including the begging. And yes, the duck came, too. And seriously, why do they always talk me into getting the big, unweildy truck cart? Because they NEVER ride in it. Obviously.

Photo (4)

8. This gave me a chuckle.

9. This is huge.

10. And this, totally inspired me. (via DesignMom

BONUS: Know what I don't love? Stink bugs. If you have no idea what these are, thank your lucky stars. But, seriously, if I get dive-bombed one more time while reading in my bed, or sitting here working at my desk, I may just cry. I'm sorry, but I can't find any reason to be grateful for stink bugs.

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A walk in the wetlands


It was the last day of spring break and we were up for something. The Easter break had had it's usual fun. Family picnic---the pigs were a hit. Church. Family time. The weather was cool, but we decided to check out a new spot. Little did I know that our county owned a 30-acre wetland area complete with one mile of boardwalk to protect the delicate happenings there.

Perfect time to go. Tadpoles by the dozen.

Red-winged Blackbirds were calling everywhere. Even globs of salamander eggs. No one else was there. But raccoons had been the night before.

The perfect end to a great spring break.


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In progress: the four square garden

With every year we spend in our house, Dan tries to focus on a new gardening project each Spring. One year it was the vegetable garden, then it was supposed to be flower beds. But it turned out the vegetable garden needed more tweaking. And it still does. Gardening is such a continual learning experience. Trial and error. Jump in. See what works. Try again. 

But this year we're finally breaking ground on one project that has been continually shoved to the back burner.

my grandmother's four square garden


We're finally putting in what we all refer to as "the four square garden". It is inspired by (though it will never be as wonderful as) "the four square garden" at my grandparents' farm, above. It is one of my favorite spots at my grandparents' home. A spot that was backdrop to many a family photograph (15 original children + their children + their children's children), a wedding photo session, my girls' favorite place to play when we lived on the farm, and it's the path everyone walks through on their way down to the swimming pool. 

Our four square will never have quite the grandeur of my grandmother's but it is the inspiration for the one we are putting in. 

And while this is a whole other train of thought...things are changing dramatically at my grandparents' place and I'm forced to let go of what was. I'm learning that I must bring those memories and experiences and plant them in my own life, and in my own home, and for my own children. No amount of change changes that.

in progress

For now, Dan has begun to rip out and level out an existing garden that is where the four square will go. A big mounded up thing that we found out (from our neighbor who grew up in our house) was a dumping ground for the ashes from their coal stove. The garden had some pretty elements, but mostly it was overrun by bind weed--(which I'm convinced comes straight from the hand of the devil) and thistle (a farmer's foe). We moved as many plants as we could and are using the remaining bush as a central point. 

The fencing around is both because we love it, but also because we have serious chicken problems without it. Our free-range girls get around and love to pick and dig and nibble on flower heads and buds. 

Eventually, there will be four plots in each corner. And hopefully a pea gravel path in between each. 

I envision the pickets weathering to a nice grey finish. And viney things winding and wrapping their way around and through the boards. And herbs. And interesting plant varieties. 

This weekend, we made a trek to a place I have been begging to go to since I heard about it over a year ago-- Terrain

People. Seriously. Terrain is my heaven on earth. One of those stores where you walk in and every. single. thing. fits perfectly with your style and esthetic and vision of what look you'd like in your home. 

And your garden. 

Photo (2)
We went for inspiration. I was hoping to bring home a few plants that might get us going. At the very least, we were ready to put in a row of plants on the outside of the fence. 

But Dan and I were both a bit overwhelmed by the experience. 

So we came home empty-handed but with a better vision for what we want to do. I have notes scribbled down on a piece of paper and photos snapped on my phone. 

Photo (1)
We'll definitely go back when we're a little more advanced in our project. 

This weekend, the fence was finished (except for a gate) and the tiller was repaired. (Thanks to Birdy, of course.) 

Photo (3)
This week, a row of day lilies will go in a row along the outside of the fence. 

We're making progress. Slowly. A labor of love and nostalgia. 

I'll keep you updated with photos as we move along. But I'd love to hear what's going on in your gardens. Flowers? Vegetables? New plans? Container gardens? I'd love to hear from you.

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Shopping with the Amish

We all grocery shop.

It’s a mundane and often unstimulating experience. But there is one grocery trip that I make about 4 times a year, with my mother in tow, that is always a bit of an adventure.

We travel north in her pick up truck, about an hour’s drive to a not-so-fancy establishment called BB’s. Home of the “bents, bumps and bunches of bargains!” You never quite know what you will find there, but so far, the treasure trove of bargains has always outweighed the cost of gas and time to travel there.

It is run by the Amish. There isn’t much competition in the parking lot.

The shopping experience leans more towards treasure hunt. Looking for pig brains in milk gravy this week? No problem! On sale for only 50 cents!

Pork brains
And every time, I find something, at least one thing, that makes the whole trip worth it.

Today, Starbucks coffee, a good supply, at only $3. We’ll be sipping pretty here at home.

It is the place to find a lot of organic and unusual food items at really cheap prices. I even heard one lady refer to it as a “boutique grocery”. I’m not really sure of that. There is nothing fancy about it. There is no artistry to produce display.

Fruit display
But today the shelves were stacked high, as well as my cart. Both of them.

And as my mother and I slung our grocery bags into the back of her truck, I marveled at the other modes of getting your groceries home.

Again, a successful trip. Every cupboard in my house is bulging at the seams. And I will probably do it all again in a couple months.


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7 lovely things

what I got her

Good morning and Happy Valentine's my friends. Oh, I missed this place. I'm completely procrastinating on things like laundry and school work and showers and a huge mess in the kitchen from pink chocolate chips pancakes. But, it's been too long. So, hello. How about a list this morning, shall we?

1. I cashed in on my Christmas present this past weekend. A girls weekend away with two of my bestest cousins. We had grand plans of doing important things like historical tours and traditional working-farm visits--but it happily and comfortably turned into lounging and knitting in hotel rooms, long dinners out and antique shopping. It was perfect. And while, you know, I fought that mama-guilt about being away, it was such a good weekend. So so good. I have made it official that my husband can give me the same gift every year.

Be still my heart.

2. Do you see this aisle of goodness I stumbled upon in the very back of one shop? I may have had trembling hands when I took this picture.

first tractor driving lessons

3. First tractor-driving lessons with her great uncle. The report is that she's a pro and only stalled it out once. Learning to drive a tractor is on my to-do list. I think she just beat me to it. When asked if she wanted to trade in her pony for a tractor, we only got a roll of the pre-teen eyeballs.

4.  My new favorite and also perfect Valentine's listening: Us & Our Daughters (with a hat tip to my music soulmate. You know who you are.) On their site they share that last year was a tough year for them and their love. But they took to songwriting as their therapy. It pulled them through and this album is the fruit of that time. It's beautiful. 

5. Some love of the 4-hooved variety.

6. This knitted lovely is going in the queue. 

7. Some love it's good to remember.



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