Jumping Right In

I've had this blogsite established for
over a week now. I keep playing with it...writing here and there, but I
never post. So, today I decided it was time to jump right in. I'm
hoping this will be a place for me to keep friends and family
up-to-date, a place for me to work

on my writing-- something that I've been wanting to do for some time
ow--and a place to learn more about this whole idea of blogging,
something that has me intrigued. I've even checked books out of the
library on this--Blogging For Dummies, or something like that...I hope
that as I spend more time learning about blogging, I'll be able to add
to this site. I've already written down some ideas on a piece of paper
that I have tucked inside my journal. I've also bee
n spending way too much time reading other peoples blogs to get ideas and inspiration.
So instead of waitin
until I've mastered HTML, importing pictures, making links, lists and
charts, I decided to jump right in, with my basic skills and go from

pictures are from last night at the beach. It was an absolutely
beautiful day, followed by a perfect night. It was Emma's idea for dinn
er and a swim at the beach. I call her the family cruise director.
we packed up our organic chicken dogs (highly reccommended!), corn on the cob, potato chips, carrots, nalgene bottles, and Dan's beer (shh...not sure you can drink on the beach?!) and headed out. We put our blanket out on the jetty, a perfect spot. The water was deep blue, the waves were perfect for toddlers, and the air was a bit chilly. I felt like I was on vacation.
The rule was no swimm
ing until after dinner...that didn't happen. Sometimes I make the silliest rules, that I later realize are impossible for a 3 year old to keep. A moment for grace.
So here are our pix from the eve
ning. No pictures of our dinner spread, but all of the post-meal exploring. We headed home afterwards for double baths and early bed. A good day.