Birthday Wishes, Art Work, and SPT

Today we're celebrating Dan's birthday. Since Dan leaves for work so early in the morning, the girls have yet to see him today. The anticipation of the looming dinner/birthday celebration is killing Emma. She always, ALWAYS loves a party. She wandered into my bedroom today, way too early, wanting to know when Daddy's birthday started. So we've spent the day preparing for our low-budget celebration and presents--artwork, trailmix,  granola bars ( the ones that go in his lunch, that we're out of, that I just happened to pick up at the grocery store today), painted banners, balloons, and a cheesecake.
Around here anything and everything is fair game for gift-giving. Emma has wrapped up some napkins (?!) and a few of her toys to add to the birthday loot.  My husband is a man that wants little, if anything at all. A good dinner, some homemade gifts and a few smooches from his favorite girls will do the trick. He reminds me a lot of my father who only accepts "consumable gifts" at holidays.
So happy birthday to my precious husband whom I adore. I cherish every day spent together.


Today was also another session of art class. The big project was drawing with oil pastels and painting watercolor over top. It was a very cool effect. Emma is enthralled with her teacher and very distracted by all toddler paraphernalia in the room--musical instruments, dress up clothes, seashells, dolls...Here's a picture of some of the work from last week as well as a little parachute time at the end of class. Emma made sure she got the spot right next to miss keeley. I know that if this is not your child/niece/cousin/granddaughter this may be a tad boring, but bear with me as I share her work each week!


Finally, here is my SPT
submission.  I like this picture, not because of my glamorous manicure
(ha!) but for the fact that with just my thumb, I could cover up a
mountain of laundry in my hallway, waiting to be thrown down the steps and
carried to the laundry room.  If only it were that easy to make it

