So Touched...

Today, I got my vintage swap goods in the mail. I think that I may possibly have the best swap partner out there. Tomorrow I will photograph all of my loot, after I find the battery charger for my camera. But today, I just had to share one special thing that Gina included in my package. I loved everything that was  in the box, but this gift touched me beyond all the others. It was this sketch that Gina did herself:


If you have been reading my blog, you will recognize this picture as Gertie--one of our baby finches that had become quite a family pet. I hadn't posted about this yet, and little did Gina know, but Gertie died four days ago. It was time for the babies to be put in their own cage--they were eating and drinking on their own, and the parents were picking on them. (probably getting annoyed from having three full-grown babies in their cage). The morning after we moved the babies out, we found Gertie, dead on the bottom of the cage.  It was sad and shocking to lose her. I enjoy my birds, but our family had never really gotten attached to them like we had to Gertie.
I told Emma that Gertie is in heaven with Jesus. We talk about how happy she is there--eating as much millet spray as she wants, taking baths everyday, and flying free with all the other birds.

Opening up my box full of vintage goodies, not expecting such a touching, personal gift tucked inside was overwhelming. Emma clutched the sketch against her breast and declared, "My Gertie!!". I think we'll frame it.

Thank you, thank you, Gina.