LOTS of catching up to do...

I cannot tell you how many times, in the last few days, I have pulled up to the computer to write a new post--only to be called away by crying children, telephone calls, or a dog scratching at the door to go outside.
For the last several days I have had a close girlfriend from college visiting. We've stayed up way too late, laughed til mascara streamed down my cheeks,and gotten crafty together. It was a wonderful time, but I'm still recovering from it all. I must be getting old--staying up past 10:30 is just too much for my body to handle.
Mary has also come down with a cold in the last few days. And I'm starting to think that my children have some sort of gene for a sensitive gag-reflex. Both girls are/were pukers, especially when sick. If I dare to let them cry too long they make me pay. Thankfully, Emma is no longer at this stage, but Mary is really letting me have it this week.  If I include my dog in the count, I have cleaned up "nasty-ness" seven times in the last four days. I have washed Mary's crib bumper so many times that the seams are now frayed.
But, we're moving on and Mary is slowly improving. Although at this point she sounds like she's been hitting the cigs for the last 23 months of her life.
I have some pictures to post from this week, but for now I'm going to post some that Emma has taken. She has discovered the joys of digital photography and this afternoon she was wandering around the house snapping shots. She even knows how to switch the camera over so that she can view all of her pictures. Isn't it amazing how quickly our children become comfortable with technology?
So here are some of her shots from today. She is having trouble keeping her fingers off the flash, which I think accounts for the orange. Either that or my battery is running very low. I think her taking digital pictures is the modern day version of me running around with a tape recorder when I was little--dramatically reading advertisements in the newspaper, singing along to We Are the World and Keith Green on the record player and recording the sound of the toilet flushing while giggling in the background at my ingenious sense of humor.

(You're allowed to wear outfits like this when  you have a high fever and snotty nose.)

(Dan has to watch the game standing up because the TV is so small)

(I love how she photographs things that are important to her, like her dollhouse.)

( I asked her what this was...she told me she took off one of her doll's clothes and took its picture. Should I be concerned?)

More pictures to come soon from me, this time. And hopefully some shots of a finished sewing project and a cleaned out craft cupboard.)