Jennifer Turkington's pottery smock

If you don't get the reference in my title, you're missing out on a fantastic read-aloud with your children. I highly recommend  checking it out of your library this week. It's one of the Emma and Mary's favorites.

So, this pottery smock obviously isn't Jennifer Turkington's, but it is mine! I get covered in glaze and muddy clay when I work, so an apron of some sort has been on the brain for awhile. When I was working at the college a few weeks ago, I saw a school-issue royal blue smock hanging on the back of the door. Not much exciting about it, except for the wonderful pattern. So I swiped it for the day, traced it, modified a bit, and then made it a little more me.
It is made out of a gigantic thrifted linen tablecloth I found here. with two pockets in the front, cotton tape ties at the sides, and bias tape (which I'm slightly obsessed with at the moment).
By the way, I have yet to find the 'sweet spots' for taking pictures in our new place...and I'm especially horrible at taking the mirror shots. we won't talk about how many it took to get this pathetic shot.


