3, 4 & 5...not so easy


See those tear-stained cheeks? Teeth 3, 4 and 5, which have decided to make a simultaneous entrance are not as easy as 1 and 2. It's been a rough reentry into the week. We traveled over the weekend--half of us going one way, half of us the other. And when we met back home, everyone was tired, Emma was throwing up and the house was a mine-field of partially unpacked suitcases and dirty laundry.


Emma was a prisoner of the sofa for most of the day, and didn't perk up this much until very late in the day. A diet of Little House on the Prairie Season 2 is the only thing that got her through. We hadn't revealed to her that the books were actually in movie form too, so it was quite the thrill when we pulled the television down from the closet and revealed a whole new version.

I was just thinking what a pretty silhouette this picture is. And speaking of silhouettes....

While we were away, something has rotted in my refrigerator and I cannot find it. It is driving me crazy. The smell lingers even after the door has been closed which sometimes sets me off my track and has me thinking the smell might be coming from somewhere else. My nose actually felt sore inside from all the sniffing and hunting around the house I've been doing. There's probably a dirty diaper, long-forgotten shoved under something. Somewhere. And for the record my box of baking soda on the middle shelf, just behind the mayo,  is making absolutely no difference.

Also while we were away a large, black spider entered our medicine cabinet and carefully weaved(wove?) a web around the bottles of things that were left behind. And he has the audacity to hang there, out in the open while I try to carefully fumble around for the toothpaste without coming into contact with him or his web.

And for a last bit of randomness. I need to write a small bio about myself which has also reminded me that I'd like to do something with that empty "about" page on my blog. Could you help me out? What kinds of things should I write about? Any burning questions you'd like to know about me? What should I include? Ideas, anyone, anyone??