election day

i feel gypped

I have to admit I feel a little  gypped. My polling place ran out of stickers. My kids were disappointed, too. All I got was this piece of paper vouching that I voted, "in case I want my free Starbucks". Maybe I'll just pin it to my chest. I feel this nervousness in my stomach today. Feel like we're all "on hold" or something. I cannot imagine what McCain and Obama feel like on a day like today. I think I'd want to lock myself up in a room with a TV.

carvin' it up

he's a lover now

Meanwhile, I'm embracing the seasons. The girls and I carved pumpkins last week, of course. And if you notice a certain someone who has been very shy in the past, is quickly overcoming his fears.

As far as I am concerned the girls can carve all they want, I just want the seeds.

all I care about

I get a little crazy about it. Picking through, making sure they don't miss any. Even picking up the stragglers that fall onto the ground. Oh so good.


I'm also slowly burning my family out on apple crisp. I never follow any real recipe, just throw in a bunch of stuff that sounds good. Last night I got a little heavy-handed with the cinnamon, which made the apples get very dark and, well, cinnamon-y. It was good. I needed a little success after the caramel incident. And by the way, thanks to those that pointed out the recipe called for butterscotch chips *not* caramel. Oh those stinkin' little details.

And on a more serious note, I also wanted to remind you to check out two new important links. The first, is Amanda's new project at Mama to Mama. I love Amanda's thought behind it, " to make a small but meaningful difference in one person's life through a simple act of crafting with intention." If you have a moment, spend some time reading about what Amanda is doing. It is wonderful.

The other link I wanted to point your attention to is from a new to me site called Mom Advice. Amy and I follow each other on twitter. (Do you use twitter? You should. I am newly addicted. Get on there, let me know you're there. We can follow each other.) And I heard about her new Big Give. It is an amazing example of using your presence and influence online or in blogging for good. Amy, your post and your work for the Faith Mission is inspiring.

I have some new ideas I'm working on for the coming months. So stay tuned. One involves an amazing giveaway. I can't wait to tell you!! :) More to come soon....