I don't wear much...jewelry

First of all, thank you everyone for all your "oh, I know, I've been there", "I'm struggling, too", "it will all be worth it", "didn't you know Day 2 is the hardest", "hang in there" comments on my last post. Wow! You make a girl feel pretty good and gave that extra push of encouragement just when I needed it.

I still haven't completely found my homeschooling mojo yet, but our "work table" is losing a little bit of its charm for miss elizabeth, which makes things about one hundred times easier. But things are getting better. This is good, folks. This is right for us, for now.

Speaking of thank-you's, I owe a big thank you to the talented Lisa Leonard. She recently sent me two lovely gifts in the mail that I'm so excited about sharing with all of you.

To be honest, I'm really not much of a jewelry girl. Well, actually I really like jewelry I just don't wear very much. But since receiving this gift from Lisa, I've added a new staple to my jewelry "wardrobe".

from Lisa Leonard

I've always kind of pined after those necklaces or bracelets with a small, simple charm for each of your children. But I rarely found one I really liked. So I was thrilled to receive this one from Lisa. I'm sure you can probably guess who those little letters stand for.

Lisa, I love it. I wear it every day. And I'm still in the process of training Elizabeth not to yank it off my neck.

And if you're looking for the perfect little classic baby gift, I think I've found it. I absolutely love these sweet "Baby's First Spoon" which you can find under her "something extra" category. (I can't find a direct link). Wouldn't these make the sweetest engraved baby gift? It seems like all my friends are having babies these days. It is always nice to have such a classic gift to give them. A little something special.

You can find Lisa's shop here. (this month's featured item is beautiful, by the way.)
And her lovely blog here.

Have I just written a whole blog post on jewelry? Me, the jewelry-less wonder? I suppose so. Lisa's work is beautiful and well-worth the few moments to check it out.

More tomorrow, if I can find those three quiet minutes once again...