little bits

Good Morning. Just popping in to say hello this morning and catch up on a few things. It has been a busy, but quiet week. Lots of rainy days, fires in the wood burner, afternoon naps, knitting and new projects.

laying low

A few bits here and there :

* I had my "official" ultrasound last week and they are pondering moving my due date up by two weeks. Either that my doctor says, "or it's a big baby." I tend to think the later, it runs in the family. And for those that are curious, we don't peek. He/She will be a surprise. (One of life's best surprises, I believe.)

* Showing up for my ultrasound at the hospital, I was disappointed to find out that children are no longer allowed in the hospital, not even the waiting room for an appointment as a precaution against the H1N1 flu. My girls sure loved seeing the "movies" of the baby in my belly. (Their consolation prize was a trip to the midwife to hear the baby's heartbeat.)

broken down

* My children are devouring this series
of readers. They are a bit like Dick and Jane readers set in Amish times. Mary is battling through the first of the series, just to be like her older sister. And Emma is plowing through one after the other. I've been (a bit nervously) waiting for reading to "spark" with her, and I think it finally is.

* I have a new oh-so-addicting time-suck. I've discovered the beauty and fun of tumblr. Instead of posting my list of "good things" here on the blog, I'll be posting them over on my tumblr page. There is a link to it in my newly designed sidebar and you can even subscribe to the tumblr page, just as you would a blog. It is so easy to post things to tumblr, it saves me the time of always formatting that typelist, and you all can even share things with me as well! (I'll get to that soon!)

* Speaking of which, I've changed my sidebar a bit this week. I added links to some of my favorite (most popular?) categories from my blog, to make it easier to access those posts. And on the "homeschooling" link, I also included an essay on why my family has decided to home school our children. And I think I've been saying this since September, but I do have a homeschooling post swirling in my head to get to soon.

Happy Thursday, friends.