rock star chickens
/Today was a busy day on Thomas Run. It started with the gathering of all barn cats for a "field trip" to a local clinic for spaying and neutering. It is a grant project put on by the county and I am so thankful for it. There were some good people working behind the scenes.
The only tough part is that the cats come home fairly quickly. One was still asleep, the others still too out of it to come out of their travel kennels. I have a regular hospital ward out on my mud room.
While the cats were "tripping" Dan and I took the girls to the Susquehanna Poultry Show which was put on at our local fairgrounds. The girls were pretty jazzed up about it, especially because we threw a chicken crate in the back of the car, "just in case".
There was even a spiral notebook being passed around between them--a list of potential names for whatever manner of poultry might "accidentally" come home with us.
But we came home empty-handed (this very pregnant mother says, 'phew!'). The only few chickens for sale were very fancy and pretty impractical for our situation.
But we did see some rock-star chickens...
Seriously, they spent the whole time flipping the feathers out of their faces, if there even IS a face in there.
And some chickens that looked more like soft bunny rabbits...
And some beautiful geese with deep throaty honks...
And then of course, we eventually made our way home and not everyone was happy about it...
And while Dan ran in the garden store for grass seed, I entertained three grumpy, hungry girls with an in-car photo shoot....
And then, appropriately, we came home and ate egg sandwiches...