/Hello from the land of Baby Fog. This first picture has pretty much been my constant view for the last 8 days. This spot on the sofa. These pillows and blankets draped across my lap. These girls smothering their new sister to the point of me shooing them off for a bit of peace and quiet. Big, face-smooshing kisses.
Birdy is definitely making her place in our family known right from the start. Each day gets a teeny-tiny bit easier or at least more comfortable.
I'm watching way too much daytime television, I know way too much celebrity gossip, and I can name the order, hosts and times of all late-night television talk and news shows. We're becoming close friends.
Thank goodness for family and church friends who are keeping us fed and well-stocked. Although Emma is making requests for meals she misses and wonders when "I'll come alive in the kitchen again..."
All in all, we're hanging in there. Occasionally coming up for air and a brief dip of our toes into the "real world".
And thank YOU for all your welcoming wishes for Birdy.