next time, i'll make an appointment


last week's snow

Tomorrow morning at "oh-dark-thirty", I will be embarking on a little journey that will take me 2,457 miles from home. I'll be heading to the other coast, hoping to see the other ocean, sleeping in a bed all by myself, not answering the late night baby-cry. And chances are, I'll miss all of it.

But, I will be gathering with friends I have never met, and look forward to seeing face to face. 

So for this mama, a trip like this required a little freshening up of the old wardrobe, thanks to a very fun shopping trip/Christmas gift with my mother. 

And it also required a hair cut. A long overdue hair cut.

And being the oh-so-last-minute kind of person that I tend to be sometimes, I failed to schedule a haircut with my regular girl. It left me at the mercy of a walk-in joint yesterday afternoon. 

As she was washing my hair:

Her: So will you be going to a Super Bowl party tonight?

Me: No....we had friends over last night.... I have a baby who goes to bed pretty early, we'll just stay home and have our own little party, etc. etc.

Her: Me, too. I'm staying home. I'm still recovering from partying last night. That was about the craziest partying I've done in a long time. So crazy that I came home with a heart tattooed on my butt and I don't even remember it.

Me: (speechless. trying to remain polite. wondering what makes her think this would be a good idea to share with me. wondering if i should feel flattered that she thinks i'm young-enough-looking to share these kinds of stories with.)

Her: (leans over me to wash my hair and I notice the unmistakeable reeking of alcohol on her breath, and dripping from her pores)


Her: (more generic questions about my life)

Me: (tell her at one point that I have four children.)

Her: Will you be partying tonight for the super bowl?

Me: (I thought we covered this already.) No, we'll be staying home.

Her : Is your man going to be cooking?

Me: (speechless, again.)

Her: Who do you want to win the Super Bowl?

Me: We're Steelers fans. My husband grew up in Pittsburgh. But we used to live in Wisconsin for a few years. They love the Packers.

Her: Oh. Is that where Green Bay people are from? I don't follow football. 

Me: (speechless, again.) Yes. Green Bay is in Wisconsin.

Later....her final question to me before starting up the hair dryer

Her: So, you gonna be drinking tonight?

Me: *sigh* No. We'll be staying home. (though after this experience, I might have to.)

Miraculously, I managed to get out of there with an average haircut. Let's hope it looks okay from the back too. 

So today will be list-making, and laundry, and packing, and also soaking in these girls just a bit longer before I sneak off in the dark, tomorrow morning.