some things you might like

Good morning. It is March, people! The sun is shining. All my girls are at the barn riding horses. The baby is napping. And I have a few exciting things to share with you before I slip upstairs into their bedroom to surprise them with new curtains, hung and ready to go when they return....

good morning

**When you stay up too late, once your children have gone to bed and the house is quiet, you do crazy things like make a facebook page for your blog. Kidding, it wasn't crazy. I actually have been meaning to do this for quite awhile. My hope is that it will be a space to connect with all of you a little more--since I'm sure you can't get enough of me, right? But late that night as I was working on it, I knew that I wanted to give a little something from me to you. So sneak over there, "like" me, if you do, and check out the discussion. There's something waiting there....

**As if I wasn't asking for enough already, I have another favor...will you vote for me? I have been nominated for Circle of Moms Top 25 Creative Blogs. And right now, I have 5 votes (and ashamedly, one of those is mine, the other is probably my sister...) I know bloggers often ask for votes, and I know it takes some of your precious time, but I promise this one is quick and easy. Would you, please? I would be both honored and grateful. 


**A few blogs I've been enjoying lately:

the kitchen generation

modern parents messy kids

likely stories : this may be biased because Tiffany is a "real life" friend. But there's something about her blog and her outlook on life that makes me smile.

interior photos : sometimes reading this motivates me to clean. some times, it makes me think my house will never be clean.

L'E Dans L'A: i know i've mentioned this one before. it's how i keep my french fresh. (not really). but it is a beautiful simple blog. it will make you want to take lovely photographs of your children, just being children. (and dress them in bloomers, tights, and little leather lace-up boots.)

sally j shim blog : sally has a beautiful new blog + website. the design is clean and fresh and very "sally". i loved perusing it last night.

** bluegrass on the tube : i LOVE bluegrass. i feel like i grew up on it, riding in my dad's car listening to 88.5 on the radio. and it was my dad who turned me on to this site. a new bluegrass video in your inbox daily. the website is a little plain and uninviting, but the videos are so good. here's proof below: (and if you don't like bluegrass this is probably what you think all bluegrass sounds like, which is exactly why you don't like it. and if you like bluegrass, you'll appreciate why this is so good.)

**Do yourself a favor, let your children get on polyvore. It's like internet paper dolls. And it is hilarious what they come up with when given free rein to create outfits at will. With just minimal instruction my children were creating "looks" in minutes. And let's just say, if shown in a lineup of polyvore sets, I could have picked this one among thousands as little Mary's. That's my girl. In the sets she created after this, she became obsessed with finding legs for all the dresses. Now that makes for some interesting outfits. The only downside? Everyone on polyvore now thinks mommycoddle has some really wacky taste in clothes and has a serious infatuation with ponies and princesses.

alright. If I'm ever going to get these curtains done, I need to walk away from this computer. Thank you friends for visiting here, for taking your valuable time to sit and share and read and say hello.

