this, that and the other thing

On Tuesday, I killed two mouse-sized spiders within two hours of each other. Both discoveries of said spiders in the form of picking something up off the floor to discover a large spider hiding underneath. Bugs, I can do. Spiders I cannot. I cannot even bear to step on them. The sound. Ick. I prefer the drop a brick on them method. My kids know the call, "Emma. Quickly, bring me a bring from the fireplace!" To which the other children come running, "Where's the spider? How huge is it?!" 

On Monday, we spotted a spider on the back of the sofa. Maybe not mouse-sized, but thumb-sized. But still, on the back of the sofa? Ready to tiptoe onto my shoulder? Seriously. Yuck.

On Wednesday, I used the spider experience of the past day to remind my children that a spider's favorite place to hide is under piles of clothes on the floor. Their bedrooms have never been tidier.

On Wednesday, I hid the television in the closet. After several days of frustrating homeschooling experiences, I decided to ditch the television in hopes that it would improve the situation.

On Thursday, I got up before my children. The day has been much better. 

On Thursday, I went to the library desperate to find some good chapter books for my 2nd and 4th graders. I came home with only one book on my list. What are you kids reading? Refresh and inspire my memory, please.

On Tuesday, Steph wrote a great post on 4KidsorMore about not always having it all together. It's worth the read no matter how many kids you've got.