Rubber boots and other things to be thankful for
/I finally broke down and took my annoying, non-stop cough to the doctor this week. Turns out I was sick--walking pneumonia to be exact. I may have even said something like, "Are you sure?!" to the nice walk-in clinic doctor.
But I guess that would explain the cough, not to mention the general lack of "get up and go" these past two weeks. So now, I'm just over 48 hours into my antibiotics and the haze is starting to lift and I'm remembering that yes, at some point, I did lead a mildly productive life after all.
In the midst of the piled up laundry and forsaken school work and the mess, oh the mess!, I'm finding that the lifting of the veil of sickness makes for a very grateful heart.
A few things on my gratitude list to usher me into the weekend....
*Stepping over the laundry to take this little person outside to get into the puddles this morning. And retrieving her Daddy's newspaper at the end of the lane, and that I answered the plea of, "But I want YOU to go out with me!"
*Rubber boots that were outgrown weeks ago, but somehow, miraculously were managed to be squeezed into this morning. Me: But how did you get them on? Birdy: I just pushed and pushed until they popped on! But my feets are kind of hurting."
*An episode of Parenthood and Nashville (yes, I know, it's a train wreck. But I love it.) waiting for me on the DVR.
*Knitting needles in size 9 found under the couch by a little person, which means that Parenthood and Nashville will also involve knitting. Even better!
*Getting out of the house--Wegmans! And getting a little carried away in the European aisle...crumpets, lemon curd, PG Tips and plans for a formal tea time tomorrow afternoon.
*Rain--both for our farmers and for the excuse to lay low, stay inside, and hunker down.
*Nap times. For all.
*Fresh flowers on my kitchen island.
*Some of my favorite people coming to visit this weekend, which also means some of my favorite little people will be coming as well.
*A sick sheep who is well! And friends and sisters who tweet and text me advice at moment's notice.
*13 years of wonderful with Dan--celebrated at our quiet dining room table, grilled cheese sandwiches, noodle soup and glasses of wine. And realizing how nice it is to be in your house together, alone, even if it's just for an hour or two.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and hoping you have much to grateful for. xo.