june 1.
/If you asked me, I'd say we're a family that keeps our social calendar pretty light. More often than not, we're a bunch of homebodies. Maybe it has something to do with Dan's long hours during the week. Or the endless projects that need attention on the weekends. Or the fact that I've always been a stickler about those afternoon naps.
But today was apparently the most popular day of the year to plan an activity or event because our day was fuller than any I can remember in a very long time.
Early Saturday morning we had Mary's final recital for the Conservatory of Music. There was much "recital stress" and worry leading up to this morning. But nothing a good shopping trip and acquiring of the "recital dress" can't ease. Of course the recital was wonderful and gave me all sorts of fluttering nostalgia for my own musical history.
We came home long enough to nibble on cheese and crackers, check on animals and head out to a private first communion mass. The family has become dear friends of ours and it was such a privelege to be included in that special ceremony.
After more celebrating and late lunching we came home again, just long enough to have cereal for dinner, lock in chickens and do evening chores before the big girls and Dan headed out for another evening concert at the local library. Birdy and I stayed home to do the day's piled up dishes, a few loads of laundry, baths and early bed for a very tired toddler.
The rest of the homebodies rolled in around ten. We sat around the dark kitchen, eating grapes and re-telling the stories from the concert until sleep couldn't be fought any longer.
And that's when I discovered the secret to no bedtime battles. Those girls were practically asleep before we could turn out the light and sneak from their rooms.
<<Here we go. I'm doing my darndest to be here every day in June. Whether it's a day where I feel like I have something to say, or not. I'm stretching my writing muscles and getting back in the habit of being here. xo.>>