A printable New Year's Resolutions sheet for kids


Hi friends! It is SO good to be back here after taking what was initially an unintended blog break, that turned into a much-needed and enjoyed sabbatical! This is one of my favorite times of the year, much like the beginning of the school year--a chance to start fresh, reflect, set new goals, and buy a new calendar and journal, of course!

We've been talking a lot about resolutions at the dinner table--just two days ago my kids learned that they are not, in fact called revolutions--though it might be interesting to start a few of those. Each night it seems like there's a new round of "I want to's..." shared at the table, so tomorrow I'm going to get the kids to put pen to paper and write down some of their thoughts.

Just tonight, Mary told us her resolutions were to

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Back to school: 'All About Me' interview worksheets for kids

Probably one of my favorite parts of back to school--besides the excuse to buy a new planner and oodles of office supplies, is the back to school "interview". I've been doing these "All About Me" worksheets with my kids for the past several years and I never tire of reading and re-reading their answers. 

Emma's is pretty much the same year after year... favorite hobby? riding. something you're good at doing? riding. something you want to get better at this year? riding. You gotta give her points for consistency.

Mary's answers draw me right back to the beginning of last year, the things she was into at the moment--dress up, riding her bike. And her plans to become a doctor have not changed in the past few years. (Though I'm curious to see what she says this year. I suspicious it's changed.)

And then there's Elizabeth. Last year was the first year she filled out an interview worksheet. I copied down her answers....

What's your favorite school subject? "real school work"

What do you want to be when you grow up? "a teenager"

What is your favorite outfit? "skinny jeans"

What is your favorite song? "Party In The USA" (This is where her mother hangs her head in shame.)

If you knew Elizabeth you'd know this is pretty much a perfect picture of her five year-old self. 


I hole-punch and clip these worksheets into

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