mini {book} swap
Apparently, Dan "wronged" Emma the other night. I think it was something to do with him canceling baths because of all the bickering between sisters.
Emma. She's such a feeler. She feels everything with such gusto. I was upstairs when she brought the sign up to hang on her door and she showed it to me. I asked her if she thought it would hurt Dan and Mary's feelings. She told me that they hurt her feelings and I gave her some typical mom advice about that not making it right to hurt their feelings. And then she told me, "that's not how it works in my world!" And then collapsed into my arms. Poor baby. A full day of running around with cousins, swimming, meals away from home. Never touching back down for a bit of quiet and rest. So everything came storming out in emotions just before bed.
I do have to give the girl credit for taking the time to make the letters block letters. I mean, if you're going to make a nasty sign to hang on your door, at least do it with some style.
So, on a different note. That swap....The other night we were all in bed reading this book. Not your classic book that everyone has in their home library collection. No Good Night Moon, or Guess How Much I Love You
, or The Giving Tree
. And I don't even remember how I got this book. Maybe from a student when I was a classroom teacher. But dagnabbit (to quote the book) if it wasn't really good!
As I was sitting there listening to Dan read, it gave me an idea for a simple, quick and easy swap. A mini swap of sorts because it is kid-driven, but simpler.
Let's share a family favorite (children's) book, with another family. Something that might not be on everyone's shelf. Not necessarily the classics that are given out at every baby shower, but a discovered favorite. A book that surprised you.
And it's simple. It is just the exchange of a book. Nothing more, nothing less. From one family to another. So if this simple swap interests you, drop me an email and I'll mix everyone up and hand out partners. And seriously folks, I want to keep this simple. Just give a book, get a book. I have no plans to make pillowcase dresses for everyone in their family. Or embroidered floor cushions and handmade puzzles. Just a book--a gift that gives over and over.
So, if you're in, I'm in. And if only one person signs up, then well, I've got a great book to send you--not the one above, something even better....
Drop me an email, let me know if you're in. And if you are, here's a smaller version button for you to use
Happy Reading. Happy Thursday.
**I'm closing the swap. Thanks, everyone!!***