my blogging honey

a serious crush

All my children are passed out in their beds upstairs. We just had another fun afternoon with the Urchins--eating, swimming in the pool (which is full, blue and cold) and watching our children obsess over the kittens.

hanging' with a little urchin in the "clubhouse"

I tell you, sometimes you feel kind of odd about the relationships you have with blogging friends. But when you get the privilege of meeting in person and you feel like you're friends that go way back, it just confirms what an amazing community of people this is. I always feel so blessed to be a part of it. Jennifer, next time, the aquarium, right? And Emily will hopefully be joining us as well.

I think little Mary summed it up so well as we were walking back inside after waving goodbye:
"Mom, it's sad to see our blogging friends leaving, isn't it? Is she your blogging honey? She's one of your 'blogging honeys'?" Yes, Mary she is. My blogging honey.

***I'm closing the book swap. Thanks so much for the great response. It is nice to have an easy simple swap for the middle of summer. I'll be getting back to you all soon with partners.******

Happy Weekend.