
we bowled

Just popping in to say hello.

This week, we are on a little "staycation". Dan took the week off from work and we've been puttering around as a family, making little low-budget, half-day trips and outings here and there.

On Monday, Dan took the two older girls on a huge hike. While he was gone, I noticed that he'd left the trail map up on the computer and it was marked "moderate to difficult". When they didn't arrive home until just before dinner, I was beginning to wonder. Turns out, they got just a wee bit lost while on the trails, but had such a good time. And the girls were amazing troopers. 

They collected trail maps at the end of their hike and have been coloring and marking and plotting their hike and the ones they plan to take in the future. 

it's all in the technique

Today, we took the girls on their inaugural trip to the bowling alley. We would have been done in half the time if it weren't for the amount of time it takes for a very small person's ball to inch its way done a bowling lane. Elizabeth even managed to have her ball stop halfway down the alley. 

the spare

Tomorrow we'll ride a train. Friday, when the weather improves, they'll canoe. And Birdy and I will man the canoe pick-up and drop-off taxi. 

And Friday night there are rumors of a bonfire and campout in the back field. 

Not a bad way to spend a 'cation.