Hello! and what do you think of my shoes?

Hello! Hi! Hi! Oh, how I miss being here regularly. Every time I sit down to write there's something else to do, something that needs my attention. I think, quite possibly, I wake up everyone morning and proclaim: "today I'm going to write!" And then, you know, the day begins and next thing I know, it's bedtime. Funny how that happens. But good things are happening here, people. Things I'm excited to tell you about soon. (No. I'm not pregnant. No. I didn't strike a book deal. Pfft! I wish!) But soon. 

In the meantime, let's move on to more important things. Let's weigh in on my shoes, shall we? I have been on the hunt for fall-winter shoes since last fall-winter. I ended up wearing a pair of hand-me-down shoes from my sister last year. (Thanks, Mare.) And as much as I love Danskos, with my high arches they just aren't a perfect fit. But I love that look. They fit my every day uniform of jeans, a long-sleeved black tshirt, and scarf.


But a few days ago, when perusing the newest LLBean catalog, I decided maybe it was time to revisit an old classic. When did I wear these last? When were these cool? Maybe high school? Middle school? Didn't we do funny curly-que things with the laces? Anyway. I bought a pair. And darn if they aren't comfy like slippers after wearing them around the house for just 24 hours. And they're old school, right? Classics that never go out of style?

But, my three stylists who range in age from ten to five, had different things to say:

Emma: What kinda shoes are THOSE?!

Mary: Are those Daddy's?!

Elizabeth: I have never seen shoes like that before! (imagine it said in complete disgust)

So talk to me, people. Am I a fashion faux pas? Are these out of style? Should I only wear them around the house, not in public? Or are they so old they're back? Or do I look like a grandma? (No offense Mom. Oh, I can imagine my mom wearing these....Oy.) The pants are a little baggy looking in this picture, most likely because of the angle.

But help me people. Weigh in, won't you? I can take it. I think.