Buying glasses from Warby Parker: help me pick!

There's nothing like starting a Monday morning with pictures of your face plastered across your blog page. (Note to self: put up a new post after this one, asap.

A few weeks ago, I lost my glasses in the house. I mean, of all the frustrating places to lose your glasses, knowing that they are somewhere in your home is pretty mind-blowingly annoying. I know, as soon as I order new ones, I'll find them under Birdy's crib, or in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, or between the sofa cushions--except I've checked all those places.

So for the past few weeks I've been wearing my spare pair--a somewhat weaker prescription that also happens to feel like the most narrow, hard-to-see-through glasses ever. And to top it off, they're crooked. Yes, I've been quite the hair-brained-looking mom lately in my squinty, cock-eyed glasses. 

So last week, I decided to throw in the towel, admit the loss and start looking for new glasses. I've always browsed the frames...

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The one time I'll talk about politics

The one time I'll talk about policitics

Emma is really into the election this year. Cheers at the dinner table when she realizes it's a debate night, into it. Asks if I've thought about putting signs in the yard and bumper stickers on the car, into it. Meets someone new and whispers to me "Who do they vote for?", into it. 

Personally, I'm at the point where I almost can't look anymore. I watch the debates, until I feel like I can't listen anymore. I simultaneously scroll twitter until I find myself wanting to scream in disgust and have to stop. I take a deep breath before I answer the political robo-call on my home phone.

But now, with a kid in the mix who's paying close attention and feels pretty strongly about who she wants to win, I feel more sensitive than ever to the nastiness that scrolls through the pages of my facebook and twitter streams, and spews through the television. 

Emma's passionate. And she's passionate in a way only a ten year old can be about who she wants to win. But one thing I haven't been letting her do is make remarks about the other candidate that are disrespectful or rude. Maybe she disagrees with his philosophies or ideas or his smirk or his tie (c'mon she's ten), but still we require level of decency. "You may not like him, but you still need to be respectful." is my mantra. I don't temper her passion, but I do my best to keep it moving in a positive direction.

I don't say this in some holier than thou way, but only because geesh, I've been really disappointed in the childish, disrespectful and downright embarrassing things I've seen flying around social media. Maybe I need to swear it off (social media). Or maybe we need to find a way to share our opinions and show our support without spewing disrepect to anyone who might be listening. Keep it clean. Keep it civil. 

I read this quote that a friend of mine posted on her facebook wall. It's an oldie thanks to John Wesley circa 1774. And I know. It's naive. And idealistic. But sometimes, that's how I roll. And it's one that's worth sharing. 

"I met those of our society who had votes in the ensuing election and advised them to 1. Vote without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy. 2. To speak no evil of the person they voted against. And, 3. To take care their spirits were not sharpened against those that voted on the other side."

Honestly, I'd love to hear from all of you. How do you approach this topic? Do your kids have strong feelings about the election and its outcome? How do you direct their "passion"? 

*edited to add: reading your comments and thinking about this more tonight....thought I would take the liberty of paraphrasing the quote into words that are a good reminder to us all in light of tomorrow....*


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Hello! and what do you think of my shoes?

Hello! Hi! Hi! Oh, how I miss being here regularly. Every time I sit down to write there's something else to do, something that needs my attention. I think, quite possibly, I wake up everyone morning and proclaim: "today I'm going to write!" And then, you know, the day begins and next thing I know, it's bedtime. Funny how that happens. But good things are happening here, people. Things I'm excited to tell you about soon. (No. I'm not pregnant. No. I didn't strike a book deal. Pfft! I wish!) But soon. 

In the meantime, let's move on to more important things. Let's weigh in on my shoes, shall we? I have been on the hunt for fall-winter shoes since last fall-winter. I ended up wearing a pair of hand-me-down shoes from my sister last year. (Thanks, Mare.) And as much as I love Danskos, with my high arches they just aren't a perfect fit. But I love that look. They fit my every day uniform of jeans, a long-sleeved black tshirt, and scarf.


But a few days ago, when perusing the newest LLBean catalog, I decided maybe it was time to revisit an old classic. When did I wear these last? When were these cool? Maybe high school? Middle school? Didn't we do funny curly-que things with the laces? Anyway. I bought a pair. And darn if they aren't comfy like slippers after wearing them around the house for just 24 hours. And they're old school, right? Classics that never go out of style?

But, my three stylists who range in age from ten to five, had different things to say:

Emma: What kinda shoes are THOSE?!

Mary: Are those Daddy's?!

Elizabeth: I have never seen shoes like that before! (imagine it said in complete disgust)

So talk to me, people. Am I a fashion faux pas? Are these out of style? Should I only wear them around the house, not in public? Or are they so old they're back? Or do I look like a grandma? (No offense Mom. Oh, I can imagine my mom wearing these....Oy.) The pants are a little baggy looking in this picture, most likely because of the angle.

But help me people. Weigh in, won't you? I can take it. I think. 

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a list: Blogs I'm Reading

I have two email address. One has almost completely morphed into a dark hole for newsletters and sale mail and the other has morphed into the one that's my personal and blogging related emails, messages from family, friends and one or two newsletters that I really want to read each day. 

And it occured to me a few weeks ago that this also means I have two Google Reader accounts. My old GR account is overwhelming and depressing. A list of hundreds of unread blog posts. Just peeking at it overwhelms me, but I don't have the heart to swoop in and hit that "mark all as read" button. 

So I've taken that other blank slate Google Reader account and slowly started to subscribe to a few blogs again. 

To be fair, I probably shouldn't call this list Blogs I'm Reading. I always find it interesting to see how my blog list relates to either what's on my brain and or what's lacking in my life at the moment. The list should probably more accurately be called "Blogs I'm Enjoying for their Visual, Creative, & Photographic Inspiration."

Some blogs inspire me to blog (Design Mom). Some blogs inspire to get off my blog and do something creative (Design Editor). Some blogs inspire me with their ability to unearth new-to-me finds and curate collections that I love (Bloesem Kids, Handmade Charlotte, You Are My Fave, Emma Lamb

None of these blogs are new discoveries but they happen to be the blogs that are hitting the spot these days. That have me wanting to write more, get out my camera, jot things down, or put fresh flowers on the kitchen table. 

So right back at you--what blogs are inspiring you visually, creatively, photographically these days? Do tell.

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I'll probably regret this...

But, it's Friday. And I have a million things to do. And an impending school year breathing down my neck. And mountains of laundry STILL from vacation. And dishes in the kitchen sink. And a messy house.

So, what's a girl to do? Why, make silly movies on her iPad of course! 

And FYI, there's a fan blowing on us (not good for sound quality).

And we are flopped on our tummies on my bed (not good for keeping both faces in the frame of the movie). 

So, with apologies to Adele and Taylor Swift....from the depths of procrastination....

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